
Showing posts with the label Liar

How the Media Created “Trumpenstein”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump is not a smart man, and I’m being very kind. In 2023/24, he appears to be in early stages of senility. There is no possible way his low level of intelligence orchestrated his success in politics. Before Trump, George W. Bush was undoubtedly the worst, least intelligent president in American history. However, it took less than six months for Trump to prove that he would forever be the worst man to ever reside in the White House. However, he had a great deal of help. His incompetent party, led by the old man in the Senate, Moscow Mitch McConnell, covered up his many crimes, proved he was above the law, and offered unfettered loyalty, although in private they despised the weak-minded old, obese, white man who failed at everything in his 77 years. Trump remains the least qualified presidential candidate to seek either major party’s nomination. However, it was the press, the once respected Fourth Estate, which aided his and Vladimir Putin’s efforts to win the

If Trump Remained in Office, He Would be Impeached for a Third Time

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump was in office for 1,460 days. He committed at least one crime during every sad day he pretended to be your president. We all know of his many Constitutional violations and his crimes against humanity, and we all know that he was impeached for cause twice but never received a fair trial in the Senate. Most of us knew about a situation confirmed and reported to the general public today, which would have demanded a third impeachment. The Emoluments Clause is clear: “The plain purpose of the foreign emoluments clause was to ensure that the country’s leaders would not be improperly influenced, even unconsciously, through gift giving, then a common and generally corrupt practice among European rulers and diplomats. An early version of the clause, modeled on a rule adopted by the Dutch Republic in 1651 that forbade its foreign ministers from receiving “any presents, directly or indirectly, in any manner or way whatever,” was incorporated into the Articles of Co

Another Russian Asset in our Midst

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   (I know I promised to write more positive stories, and I will, but you need to know “the real Elon Musk.) Like his idol, Donald Trump, Elon Musk made a mistake. When he bought Twitter, he exposed his real self to the world. He may be a talented mechanical engineer, but as a man he is a fool who lacks common sense. In the news today is a story which proves an assumption I made months ago. Like Trump, he is undoubtedly a Russian agent. Included in part of a biography of Musk, CNN is reporting a plan by Ukraine to execute a drone attack on the Russian navy based in Crimea. When the traitor to democracy learned this information, Musk ordered his engineers to shut down his “Starlink” satellite network over Crimea. Musk eventually released a response, and, like Trump, claims he did nothing wrong. “Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not dron