
Showing posts with the label Anti-American

Trump has Earned the Title of “Big Adolf”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Historians, both professional and amateurs like yours truly, will tell you that Trump’s 2024 campaign is following Adolf Hitler’s playbook exactly. He continues to tell the same lies over and over again, and knows that the people will begin to believe them. He is now in complete control of all right-wing media, another of Hitler’s ambitions, and a huge part of his plan. On occasion Trump even quotes the Nazi leader.   Some Americans are aware that either Trump cannot read well or simply hates to make the effort. However, his first wife, Ivana, told friends, and later reporters, that he laid in bed every night reading the text of Hitler’s speeches. There can be no doubt that Trump is a fascist and has his own Neo-Nazis as his personal army.   Why “Big Adolf?”   I wanted to define Trump as something other than what historians describe him: the worst. president in American history. I constantly call him the orange buffoon, because that is based on reality. Be

Trump Promises a “Bloodbath” When he Loses in November

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart We knew it would happen. During the week after Trump executed a failed coup on the Capitol Building, those of us who follow politics closely were positive that we hadn’t seen the last of Trump’s violent plans for our nation. The Second Civil War was underway and would become bloody as Trump lost every court case in the land, including the Supreme Court of the United States, baselessly claiming that the 2020 election was fraudulent. Saturday, Trump was in Vandalia, Ohio. There was nothing new. Lies covered the venue immediately as he spread his message of anger, hatred and violence. No issues were mentioned, and the orange buffoon continued to expose his failing mental acuity, and walked to and from the podium carefully, afraid he would stumble and fall. “EVERYTHING OLD IS NEW AGAIN” Trump did bring back an old promise mirroring his insurrection on January 6, 2021. After threatening Chinese President XI about his plans to manufacture vehicles in Mexico,

If You Refuse to Have Him as a Guest, If you Make Fun of Him, You Expose his Greatest Weakness: Immaturity

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Not a single legitimate television show would have him as a guest. You receive a badge of honor if you criticize him and he attacks you with nonsensical attacks. This is how we learned about the most immature, obese, old, white man in the world and why intelligent people laugh at Donald John Trump. Any man nearing 80 years of age who is obviously immature either possesses a low level of intelligence or is in the middle stages of senility. We know that Trump is a malignant narcissist, in fact he is the poster boy for this malady. It is fair to assume that his “disease” is becoming a much greater problem as he is soon to become an octogenarian. These are not “normal times.” Throughout my 77 years, 66 of which I followed politics in America, I witnessed many situations which forced presidential candidates to resign. At the top of the list is morals involving issues such as infidelity, sexual inuendo, sexual assault, and lying to the American people about any of the

America’s Greatest Enemies in 2024: Vladimir Putin, Muhammad bin Salman, and Donald Trump

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 1987, Trump visited Moscow for the first time at the invitation of the KGB. Vladimir Putin was a high-ranking member of the spy organization. Although there are no records of what occurred during those meetings, there is no doubt that Trump and Putin spoke frequently. THE MEETING WHICH PLACED OUR NATION WHERE IT IS TODAY In 2013 we know that Trump visited Moscow. He owned the Miss Universe Pageant, and it was held in the Russian capital over a single weekend during that year. This is when Putin and Trump finalized plans to illegitimately win the 2016 election. When Trump’s campaign was faltering in the summer of 2016, and running out of money, tech billionaire, Robert Mercer, who had been financing the campaign of another traitor, Ted Cruz, moved his money and top aides, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway to Trump’s campaign in August of 2016. Mercer has very close business ties to Russian oligarchs.   MAKING FRIENDS In 1991, Trump businesses, including his At

An American President Must Be a Patriotic American, not a Fascist

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Okay, you all know I am old and my memories are very important to me, both the good ones and the bad ones. However, when they are related to politics and our government in Washington, they are crystal clear and 100 percent accurate.. I could not legally vote until 1967: The 26 th  amendment, giving 18-year-olds the right to vote, was not passed until Richard Nixon was our president in 1971. However, my interest in what is clearly the ugliest profession in the 21 st  century, politics, began in 1956. I turned on the television one day in 1956, and on the screen was the Republican National Convention when Dwight D. Eisenhower received his party’s nomination for a second term as our president. I was fascinated as the theme of patriotism and the celebration of our First Amendment right to vote filled the hall. When President Eisenhower accepted the nomination, I had no doubt that he loved our nation and its people, and his intention was to serve all Americans for

Mike Johnson Was Selected by all 220 Fake Republicans Based on Nothing but Desperation

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Republicans have selected a man as unpopular as Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, and Jim Jordan as their Speaker of the House. He is the 56 th Speaker, and most unqualified in history, not the 45 th , as indicated when Steve Scalise introduced him. The 45 th Speaker of the House was Samuel J. Randall. Scalise must have skipped both history and civics classes. The only things we know about Mike Johnson is that he is a member of the right-wing extremist group, the Freedom Caucus, who attempted to overturn the 2020 election. He denies the validity of the Constitution, claiming that only Christians deserve protection and respect under the law. The Congressman from Louisiana is a well-known racist and bigot, denying equality to non-Christians, the LGBTQ community, and equal protection under the law for women. Putting it simply, he is one of 46 members of the House who hate the America of our Founding Fathers, and of course he is a climate change denier. If this is