Trump has Earned the Title of “Big Adolf”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Historians, both professional and amateurs like yours truly, will tell you that Trump’s 2024 campaign is following Adolf Hitler’s playbook exactly. He continues to tell the same lies over and over again, and knows that the people will begin to believe them. He is now in complete control of all right-wing media, another of Hitler’s ambitions, and a huge part of his plan. On occasion Trump even quotes the Nazi leader. 

Some Americans are aware that either Trump cannot read well or simply hates to make the effort. However, his first wife, Ivana, told friends, and later reporters, that he laid in bed every night reading the text of Hitler’s speeches. There can be no doubt that Trump is a fascist and has his own Neo-Nazis as his personal army. 

Why “Big Adolf?” 

I wanted to define Trump as something other than what historians describe him: the worst. president in American history. I constantly call him the orange buffoon, because that is based on reality. Beginning with the time he was evicted from the White House, he continues to display traits attributed to two of the greatest tyrants in history: Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler. 

His girth and slovenly appearance would make three Hitlers. It seemed natural to call Trump “Big Adolf.” They may not share physical stature, but they share the same beliefs about humanity.  

Trump is not an American 

By his own rhetoric, although he often mumbles and makes up nonsensical words, he hates my America. He is opposed to every Amendment to the Bill of Rights with the exception of the second. He desperately needs the support of the NRA gun lobby.  I may be alone in this belief, but I cannot support anyone for the presidency unless they are patriotic Americans.  

Please vote on November 5th. And vote for the man who will keep his promise to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

My novels are available on Amazon’s KIndle 

“The Truth Lives Here” 


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