
Showing posts with the label Lifelong Criminal

Some Laws Must Apply to Donald Trump

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Although Trump was justifiably impeached twice for violating the Constitution, Moscow Mitch McConnell told the world that his president was above the law by refusing to give the worst man in the world a fair trials. In one of his hate rallies during the 2016 campaign, Trump made this claim, a claim which was later confirmed to some degree by his corrupt party. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" On January 6, 2021, while remaining in office, Trump organized, planned, and executed an attempted coupe. The intention was to overturn our democratic election and keep the fascist in power. When he was evicted from the White House on January 20, he took with him more than a dozen boxes of classified documents. When ordered to return them, it was later learned that he returned only a few. After questioning the former illegitimate president, he lied and said he “had returned all of them.” An

Hey, Lard Ass, the Last Time You Weighed 215 Pounds is the Day You Were Born

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When Trump was indicted late last week in Georgia related to interference in the 2020 election, a “mug shot” was taken, and he was required to fill out a form listing his vitals. He listed his weight at 215 pounds. Stop laughing! He has not experienced a weight of 215 pounds for decades. Most recent photos reveal that his weight is more likely near 300 pounds. It's normal to gain weight with age. For the majority of my life, I weighed 175 pounds. Today, at age 77, and three weeks young than Trump, I weigh 210 pounds. I am just under six feet tall and in relatively good shape for my age and physical ailments. Trump is six-feet-three inches tall and obviously feeble. His diet is unhealthy, composed of fats and sugars. If his weight is 215 pounds, I am the king of the world. Trump’s entire life was built on lies, felonies, and misdemeanors. His mug shot reveals the heart and soul of a man composed of evil. Some may think he was being facetious; not true. This

What Should Our Government Do About a Former President Who Is Openly Threatening His Accusers?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   For four years Trump was the “Don” of the Washington Mafia. He and his army remain free and are allowed to spread their lies, conspiracy theories, and divide our nation irrevocably. During the 2016 campaign Trump told his cult that he ‘could shoot someone in Times Square and nothing would happen.’ He believed then that he was above the law. In two impeachment trials, Moscow Mitch McConnell proved that he was, and today our entire government in Washington refuses to place him in a federal prison although the world knows he is the greatest criminal in American history. Donald Trump is what he has been for 77 years. His actions between 2017 and 2021 were expected if you read the facts about his pitiful life, a life void of accomplishments and composed of criminal actions and lascivious events which should have prevented his victory in 2016. The truth is simple: Republican politicians and Republican voters are to blame for everything wrong with America today. The