What Should Our Government Do About a Former President Who Is Openly Threatening His Accusers?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


For four years Trump was the “Don” of the Washington Mafia. He and his army remain free and are allowed to spread their lies, conspiracy theories, and divide our nation irrevocably. During the 2016 campaign Trump told his cult that he ‘could shoot someone in Times Square and nothing would happen.’ He believed then that he was above the law. In two impeachment trials, Moscow Mitch McConnell proved that he was, and today our entire government in Washington refuses to place him in a federal prison although the world knows he is the greatest criminal in American history.

Donald Trump is what he has been for 77 years. His actions between 2017 and 2021 were expected if you read the facts about his pitiful life, a life void of accomplishments and composed of criminal actions and lascivious events which should have prevented his victory in 2016.

The truth is simple: Republican politicians and Republican voters are to blame for everything wrong with America today. The four indictments facing Trump today are legitimate. However, they never would have happened if his supporters faced the facts and refused to encourage his continuing denial related to the security of the 2020 election.

The facts prove that although members of his party, and the members of his cult repeat his baseless claims of voter fraud, they know the truth, but refuse to do the right thing. After more than 60 filings in state’s courts, and an appearance before the Supreme Court, Trump’s lawyers failed to offer a single piece of evidence supporting his denial of the validity of the 2020 election. This entire situation is a façade, a desperate effort to protect their continuing efforts to keep the worst illegitimate president in history relevant, and possibly return to power as the leader of a country he openly despises.

Everything happening today must be blamed on both the men and women who call themselves “Republicans” in Washington, and Trump’s racist and bigoted cult. Trump was and is unfit for any public office. His victory in the Electoral College in 2016, aided by Vladimir Putin, James Comey, and the mainstream media, was a complete failure, divided our nation, and removed basic human rights for the majority of our nation’s people. Trump is unqualified for any position in government and proved that he was an incompetent businessman, husband, and father.

Although Trump won the majority of the primaries in 2016, Republican leaders were not legally required to nominate the worst, least qualified candidate in history. However, the once Grand Old Party has refused to do the right thing for their country for the last 42 years.

As an Independent voter, I miss the Party of Lincoln. My choices have become limited, and in some cases I find the Democratic candidate undesirable. However, at the federal level, I have not found a single Republican candidate worthy of my vote since the 2000 election.

You must vote. Your voice must be heard. But please learn the truth about the candidates before you go to the polls in 2024, and refuse to vote for a political party. Cast your ballots wisely for yourself and those you love.

Op-ed by James Turnage




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