Hey, Lard Ass, the Last Time You Weighed 215 Pounds is the Day You Were Born

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


When Trump was indicted late last week in Georgia related to interference in the 2020 election, a “mug shot” was taken, and he was required to fill out a form listing his vitals. He listed his weight at 215 pounds. Stop laughing! He has not experienced a weight of 215 pounds for decades. Most recent photos reveal that his weight is more likely near 300 pounds.

It's normal to gain weight with age. For the majority of my life, I weighed 175 pounds. Today, at age 77, and three weeks young than Trump, I weigh 210 pounds. I am just under six feet tall and in relatively good shape for my age and physical ailments. Trump is six-feet-three inches tall and obviously feeble. His diet is unhealthy, composed of fats and sugars. If his weight is 215 pounds, I am the king of the world.

Trump’s entire life was built on lies, felonies, and misdemeanors. His mug shot reveals the heart and soul of a man composed of evil. Some may think he was being facetious; not true. This is undoubtedly a vision of the Real Donald Trump. I have no doubt that Trump’s lies are unplanned; it’s simply a natural response to any question. If someone asked him his name, I doubt he would be honest. Knowing Trump as I do, after writing hundreds if not thousands of articles about him, he might answer, “God, the Lord God.” Much of this is founded on his dominant illness, severe malignant narcissism.

The truth is, there is no ‘real Donald Trump.’ He reinvents himself every day. This is why he has no real friends, and why no one, including Melania, who genuinely loves him. He is a walking, jabbering human façade, incapable of loving others and not expecting love in return.

If Trump had not incurred such deep hatred for harming our nation’s people, he would be a sad and sorrowful character. Prior to his illegitimate presidency, he invaded multiple social engagements in New York seeking relevance and some level of importance. Sadly, his lack of realistic accomplishments resulted in forms of pity and sadness because he was so very needful of human relationships.

My wife and I had similar lives. We grew up poor, both with single mothers. However she had six younger brothers, and I only one. We struggled through most of our lives, but knew we were loved and loved others. Today we survive on Social Security, and still struggle some months if faced with a costly situation requiring money we don’t have. However, we are happy most of the time. Trump was raised in an atmosphere of privilege and wealth. However, it is clear that he was raised without love and laughter. For Donald John Trump there are not enough days left in his life for therapy to be successful. Not that he would ever admit he needed it.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my nine novels here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Turnage/author/B00LOCJ2Z2?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true




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