
Showing posts with the label Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley Because She Proves That There is a Little Sanity on the Right, but Only a Little

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I’ll say it again and again and again until everyone recognizes the truth: no one on the right is qualified to lead America. Those who call themselves “Republicans” continue to be incompetent. Their economic policies fail badly, they are racists, homophobic, misogynists, and practice religious bigotry. These facts are clear and undeniable, proven by the words and actions of their Fuhrer, Donald John Trump. He is unquestionably the worst man in the world. Over the last nine years I desperately searched for one redeeming quality possessed by your former illegitimate president, but he has none. When everything coming out of his pie hole is a lie, he will never be believed or trusted by any person with average intelligence. Although she lost the South Carolina primary, her home state, by 21 points, Nikki Haley offered the press this comment: “I said earlier this week that no matter what happens in South Carolina, I would continue to run for president. I’m a

Trump Attempts to Hide His Real Name, While Mocking Nikki Haley’s

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   In another demonstration of his adamant beliefs in racism and bigotry, and unable to criticize her for her position on the issues, Trump is attacking Nikki Haley for not using her birth name. You see, Ms. Haley’s ancestors came to America from India, and although she has always used her middle name, “Nikki,” her birth name is “Nimbra.” My family’s origin is Prussian. I have been called “James” all of my life. However, its origin is from the name “Jakob.” So what? Although today’s fake Republicans attempt to deny this fact, we are all immigrants. Donald Trump’s family changed their surname from “Drumpf” to Trump. The primary reason, according to history, is based on the fact that the Drumpf family left Germany in disgrace and was not allowed to return. Like his Grandson, Friederich Drumpf was a draft dodger. This is why the family attempted to hide the fact that they are German immigrants. The truth is the worst president in American history, who has become the

Serious Questions Which Demand Honest Answers

Op-ed byTheWiseOldFart   How did our country, now 247 years old, arrive on the precipice of destruction over just four of those years? The real question is “can it be saved for another 247 years?” What I know is that it began with the illegitimate election of Donald Trump on November 8, 2016. A victory in the Electoral College allowed the least-qualified old, white man in history to claim the title of President of the United States, destroying the Law of the Land, and dividing our nation’s people forever. One man was allowed to destroy many of the achievements of the 44 presidents who preceded him. Today he is seeking another term in the White House although he is a confirmed sexual predator, the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America, a man guilty of multiple felonies, the only sitting president to plan, organize, and execute a coupe against his own country, and a free man although he stole classified documents for his personal use. What right-wing politicians and the mainstream m

Prediction: If Nikki Haley is the Republican Nominee, and Biden is her Opponent, America Will Have its First Woman President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I cannot find any way to rationalize voting for old white men who will be 81 and 78 on November 5, 2024. The reasons are many, it’s just common sense. The average American is 38.2 years of age. Our nation is only 247 years old, and we have a lot to learn, including the mistakes in our past. Nikki Haley will be 52 on election day 2024. If Republicans get their heads out of their a**es, and realize that Trump is not an American and should never be elected to any office by nominating the former Governor of South Carolina, America will have its first woman president if Democrats nominate Biden. It's no secret that in 2020 Mr. Biden’s victory must be credited to the fact that Democrats and Independents were more interested in removing Trump from the White House than supporting Joe Biden. Voter turnout frequently decides the outcome of our presidential elections. 2020 set a record, based on my previous allegation. Trump continues to deny the fact that he was pum

One Year Until the Election, but no Definitive Predictions, Only Possibilities and Hopes

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   This week the mainstream media attempted to strike fear into the hearts of all real Americans. Everyone of these fake news agencies reported a story about a recent poll claiming that Trump is leading Biden in battleground states by three percentage points. I might remind everyone, the election is one year in the future. I would also remind you that Hillary Clinton was predicted to be victorious until election day 2016. With assistance from the mainstream media, James Comey, and Vladimir Putin, Trump barely won the Electoral College after the voter turnouts in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania were lower than expected. He lost the popular vote, the only vote which should count, by three million. Less than 80,000 total votes in those three states gave us the worst president in history. I must explain the manner in which polls are taken today. In the past, both parties and independent agencies used landline phone numbers. Very few homes have landlin

The Leading Candidates for the Right-Wing Nomination in 2024: a Life-Long Criminal, a Fascist, and a Flip-Flopper

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   “The best the Republican Party has to offer America in 2024 are, in order of their polling, a life-long criminal, a fascist governor, and a woman who worshipped Trump, but is now attempting to distance herself from the worst man in the world.” I am aware that most Americans continue to ignore the fact that there is a movement very similar to the efforts in 1939 to establish a fascist government in the United States. One entire political party has moved so far to the right it has become the leader in white supremacy and the entire Neo-Nazi movement in our country. Names like Trump, DeSantis, Jordan, Taylor-Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, Scalise, Gosar, and many others sitting on the right side of the aisle are proponents of the establishment of a fascist regime and the shredding of our Constitution. If you are not aware of these facts, you are one of many millions of uninformed Americans. Stop and think about it. The leading right-wing candidate is a former illegitima