The Leading Candidates for the Right-Wing Nomination in 2024: a Life-Long Criminal, a Fascist, and a Flip-Flopper

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


“The best the Republican Party has to offer America in 2024 are, in order of their polling, a life-long criminal, a fascist governor, and a woman who worshipped Trump, but is now attempting to distance herself from the worst man in the world.”

I am aware that most Americans continue to ignore the fact that there is a movement very similar to the efforts in 1939 to establish a fascist government in the United States. One entire political party has moved so far to the right it has become the leader in white supremacy and the entire Neo-Nazi movement in our country. Names like Trump, DeSantis, Jordan, Taylor-Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, Scalise, Gosar, and many others sitting on the right side of the aisle are proponents of the establishment of a fascist regime and the shredding of our Constitution. If you are not aware of these facts, you are one of many millions of uninformed Americans.

Stop and think about it. The leading right-wing candidate is a former illegitimate president who took direction from Russian President Vladimir Putin, ruined our recovering economy, violated the Constitution every day, refused to perform the job for which he was elected, divided our nation, allowed more than one-million Americans to die from a pandemic which he was aware of but told us, “it will just go away,” attempted to overthrow our government, and lied about the theft of dozens of top secret documents when he was evicted from the White House, He now faces four criminal indictments containing 91 felony charges, and wants to be your president in 2024.

His closest challenger is a racist and a bigot who bans books related to   Black Americans and the LGBTQ community, and attacks everyone who thinks independently, and does not share his plans for an American autocracy. He believes he is the “king of Florida,” not an elected public servant. It is obvious that he hates his own country.

This brings us to a woman I once respected, before she revealed her true self. As the Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley gained my admiration for multiple decisions with the use of common sense and concern for all the people of her state. However, after she received Trump’s nomination to represent the United States at the United Nations, she joined every other right-wing politician and worshipped her Fuhrer by defending his anti-American actions and words. After declaring her intention to win the 2024 Republican Party’s presidential nomination, she is desperately attempting to distance herself from the worst person on the planet.

Although I am an Independent, the right-wing is not offering me a choice. Not a single declared candidate is capable of leading a nation of more than 330 million people which has the largest military force in the world by far. Republicans are well-known for their economic failures, and our nation is more the 30 trillion dollars in debt. That’s right; thirty with a “T.”

Modern history proves that the majority of our nation’s people suffer when Republicans control the executive and legislative branches of our government. “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” For example: during the height of the pandemic, working men and women struggled to survive, while the number of billionaires in America increased as corporate profits escalated dramatically.

America is no longer controlled by capitalism, it has become a plutocracy. No one on the right side of the aisle makes decisions for themselves. The super-rich are in complete control of what was once the Grand Old Party. A plutocracy cannot endure without a fascist regime in control of day to day governance in Washington.

Only you and I can save our nation. Our votes are our weapons. Voting wisely is paramount. The very existence of the United States of America is in our hands.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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