Serious Questions Which Demand Honest Answers

Op-ed byTheWiseOldFart


How did our country, now 247 years old, arrive on the precipice of destruction over just four of those years? The real question is “can it be saved for another 247 years?”

What I know is that it began with the illegitimate election of Donald Trump on November 8, 2016. A victory in the Electoral College allowed the least-qualified old, white man in history to claim the title of President of the United States, destroying the Law of the Land, and dividing our nation’s people forever. One man was allowed to destroy many of the achievements of the 44 presidents who preceded him. Today he is seeking another term in the White House although he is a confirmed sexual predator, the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America, a man guilty of multiple felonies, the only sitting president to plan, organize, and execute a coupe against his own country, and a free man although he stole classified documents for his personal use.

What right-wing politicians and the mainstream media don’t want you to know is that none of this would have happened if President Barrack Obama had the courage to allow the fact that it was confirmed at a meeting in the Oval Office in October of 2016 that Russian President Vladimir Putin was interfering in our election with the intention of securing the presidency for his puppet, Donald John Trump. Hillary Clinton was robbed. She was the first woman President in our nation’s history, but a corrupt and cowardly government refused to do the right thing. Why was Trump allowed to take the oath of office? He was not my president and never would be.

The vote which allowed extremist and MAGA Republican, Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House was the final piece of the puzzle proving that our government is not only the worst in the world, but the most corrupt.

It began early in 2023 when 15 votes were required to allow Kevin McCarthy his lifelong dream, to become the Speaker of the House of Representatives. He was third in line for the presidency.

This was the first time in our nation’s history that more than one vote was required to select a Speaker. However, McCarthy surrendered all of his power to secure the votes of members of the ultra-extreme Freedom Caucus to achieve his ambition.

One of the powers he surrendered allowed a single member to demand a vote ousting him from his lofty perch. After Freedom Caucus founder, Jim Jordan, lost a vote of confidence and therefore his nomination, with each day passing another nominee removed his name from consideration. No one wanted a job mired in controversy and without an atmosphere of unity. The only Republican member of the House willing to take the job was Mike Johnson, a Trump devotee, a religious extremist, and an unknown. Our government is broken and most likely irreparable.

Question: why has the media failed to inform the public about President Biden’s many successes? In three years he has accomplished more than the last three presidents did in 12 years. Is the media supporting Trump as they did in 2016?

I save the biggest question for last. How in the hell did our “leaders” in Washington allow George Santos to be sworn in last January when it was common knowledge that his election was based entirely on fraud. Yesterday he was removed from the House, still facing multiple felony charges. And why did 114 “Republicans” vote against expulsion? We are not positive that his real name is “George Santos.” Like Trump, everything about this con artist is a lie.

The House is in chaos and is proving a statement by Abraham Lincoln to be accurate: “A house divided cannot stand.”

A question which concerns me greatly can also be easily answered. “How is it possible that the worst man in our country, and possibly the world, is leading all other Republicans by a wide margin in the polls?” Sadly, the answer is clear and very disappointing. There are millions of Americans who share Trump’s support for white supremacy and the growth of Neo-Nazism in America. MAGA Republicans undoubtedly support the end of democracy in America and will vote for a fascist leader who will protect the existence of our country’s current plutocracy. For these men and women the Constitution opposes their personal beliefs and are not legitimate Americans.

However, I continue to believe that the candidate who will be running under the Republican banner in 2024 will be Nikki Haley. And if her opponent is Joe Biden, she will become America’s first woman president.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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