
Trump is a Very Old Con Man in Mental and Physical Decline, Presenting Many Dangers to the American People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I begin by offering you an important fact. Between 2017 and 2021, Trump failed to make a single decision which affected the American people and the future of our nation. He was told what to do on every occasion. However, if he disagreed with the advice he received, he made up his own solution s , including drinking bleach or shining a bright light up your rectum to kill Covid-19. He had nothing to do with selecting three unqualified Supreme Court justices. He was told who to nominate by the Federalist Society and Moscow Mitch McConnell.   This is important because if he is reelected, Project 2025 will become his entire agenda for the next four years. Every suggestion establishing an autocratic society in the 922 - p age document came from one of his speeches or a toilet tweet.   The mainstream media pointed to speeches and actions by President Biden which appeared to confirm his difficulty with the effects of aging. However, they are not doing the same wi

No Class, No Brains, but Lots of Lies and Huge Desperation

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart One thing everyone can count on, friend or foe, is that Trump will always act like Donald Trump. He has no class, no compassion for others, and no brains. If someone altered his voice, we would all know who it was based on the content, and the gibberish with which his speech is delivered. While rambling to his cult in Wisconsin, Trump claimed that Kamala Harris is “mentally disabled.” Once again Trump reveals himself and his problems by attempting to accuse his opponents of possessing his own faults and failures. During the 2016 campaign, he claimed that the election was rigged in Hillary’s favor. There is no question that the results were the result of interference from Russia, and that he was complicit in Putin’s efforts to secure a victory in the Electoral College. While President Biden remained a candidate earlier this year, Trump attacked him based on his age, calling him “sleepy Joe.” However, it was during Trump’s criminal case in New York when

We Should be Looking at this Election as a Trial in a Criminal Court of Law

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The issue is, “what have you done for 330+ American people in your political career, and what will you do now?” If we eliminate all the lies, innuendos, personal attacks, and focus completely on what the candidates have accomplished or will accomplish for the American people throughout their political careers, we can make an intelligent decision. This is the same way a jury decides the outcome of a criminal trial: the facts. The results of an election should be addressed with the same degree of importance. BOTH SIDES SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO TELL THE TRUTH UNDER OATH AND IN FRONT OF THE TELEVISION CAMERAS Instead of the type of election we have today, it could be a one-day event when all Americans are glued to their electronic devices. (The debates were intended to provide that opportunity, but only one candidate debated the issues this year. The other made a complete fool of himself). All Americans would have one vote, secured by a PIN. After both presiden

A Trump Who Tells the Truth

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Now it’s watches. Previously it was “non-fungible tokens,” posters, the ugliest tennis shoes in history, bibles, and copies of his mugshot. Trump is desperate for money, and would sell individual hairs from his wigs if he thought he could make a buck. The very fact that a presidential candidate is attempting to sell what can only be compared to worthless trinkets which can be won or purchased at a carnival would be an unacceptable embarrassment for a real man or woman. Trump’s desperation forces him to plunge deeper and deeper into an abyss from which he cannot recover. He is unfit to lead his own family, definitely not a nation of 330+ million people. I know what I have read contained in volumes about Trump’s pitiful 78 years on mother earth, but only family members have insight into the entire expanse of events and personal circumstances which compose nearly eight decades. One of these individuals is Trump’s estranged niece, Mary Trump. She recently offered in

No American Wants the Trump Klan in our White House Again

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart According to some men and women who worked in the Trump White House, chaos, anger, uncertainty, and disorganization dominated their daily lives. The atmosphere of each day was dependent upon the mood of Donald John Trump, when he was in Washington. Several aides reported a confusing and unpleasant relationship with daughter Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner. No one quite understood their function: why they were granted significance when their purpose was never defined. IS HIS FAMILY DISOWNING HIM? ARE THEY DISTANCING THEMSELVES FROM THEIR FAMILY’S NAZI HERITAGE? Although it’s true that Trump’s eldest two sons support his campaign for the White House, it is somewhat surprising that his favorite child, daughter Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner, are missing in action. “Tweedle Dumb” and “Tweedle Dee” have no choice. They have accomplished nothing in their pitiful lives, even less than their father. They are entirely dependent on him for their v