
Showing posts with the label Mentally and Physically Impaired

Trump is a Very Old Con Man in Mental and Physical Decline, Presenting Many Dangers to the American People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I begin by offering you an important fact. Between 2017 and 2021, Trump failed to make a single decision which affected the American people and the future of our nation. He was told what to do on every occasion. However, if he disagreed with the advice he received, he made up his own solution s , including drinking bleach or shining a bright light up your rectum to kill Covid-19. He had nothing to do with selecting three unqualified Supreme Court justices. He was told who to nominate by the Federalist Society and Moscow Mitch McConnell.   This is important because if he is reelected, Project 2025 will become his entire agenda for the next four years. Every suggestion establishing an autocratic society in the 922 - p age document came from one of his speeches or a toilet tweet.   The mainstream media pointed to speeches and actions by President Biden which appeared to confirm his difficulty with the effects of aging. However, they are not doing the same wi