Trump is a Very Old Con Man in Mental and Physical Decline, Presenting Many Dangers to the American People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

I begin by offering you an important fact. Between 2017 and 2021, Trump failed to make a single decision which affected the American people and the future of our nation. He was told what to do on every occasion. However, if he disagreed with the advice he received, he made up his own solutions, including drinking bleach or shining a bright light up your rectum to kill Covid-19. He had nothing to do with selecting three unqualified Supreme Court justices. He was told who to nominate by the Federalist Society and Moscow Mitch McConnell. 

This is important because if he is reelected, Project 2025 will become his entire agenda for the next four years. Every suggestion establishing an autocratic society in the 922-page document came from one of his speeches or a toilet tweet. 

The mainstream media pointed to speeches and actions by President Biden which appeared to confirm his difficulty with the effects of aging. However, they are not doing the same with Trump, although it is abundantly clear that he is suffering from mental and physical decline. This would make him an even greater tool for the extremists on the right who would destroy democracy and establish a fascist regime for perpetuity 


If you believe that Trump learned anything over the four long years he spent pretending to be your president, you are a fool. He refused or was incapable of reading the President’s Daily Brief, claiming that he “learned everything he needed to know by watching FOX News.” His work schedule was posted between 11 a.m.¸ and 3 p.m., although he seldom remained in the West Wing for the duration.  

As we all know, most of his time was spent chasing a little white ball through the grass and sand, partying with billionaires at Mar-a-Lago, holding hate rallies across the nation, or watching television. It is understandable why he accomplished nothing of value to our nation’s people over four years.  


It is no surprise that after he was crushed by Vice-President Kamala Harris in their recent debate, his personal attacks of his highly qualified opponent have increased dramatically. 

Recently, he called for her impeachment. I couldn’t make this shit up. Trump was impeached twice for cause, but never punished for his crimes. 

"She should be disqualified. She should resign the vice presidency and go home to California," Trump told the cheering crowd while discussing the "invasion" at the U.S.-Mexico border. 


Trump and his paid liars are falsely claiming that under the Biden administration thousands of known criminals have been allowed to go free and reside in the United States.  

The truth is a letter from ICE to Republican Representative Tony Gonzales identifies many of these men and women are currently in detention facilities or prison, and many more are on their list of illegal immigrants under watch and will be officially detained in the near future.  

The “information” used by Trump and his cronies is intentionally erroneous, making it appear that most of these proven criminals arrived after Trump was evicted from the White House. 

[In June 2021, just several months into the Biden administration, there were 405,786 convicted criminals in ICE's non-detained docket, according to agency data. In August 2016, during the Obama administration, there were 368,574 convicted criminals in ICE's non-detained docket, according to data published by the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General. 

"The data goes back decades; it includes individuals who entered the country over the past 40 years or more, the vast majority of whose custody determination was made long before this Administration," DHS spokesperson Luis Miranda said in a statement to CBS News.] 

Trump is truly desperate, but lies are his foundation for a wasted life of crime, and his political campaign. He cannot be trusted, and is unfit for any political office. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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