No American Wants the Trump Klan in our White House Again
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
According to some men and women who worked in the Trump
White House, chaos, anger, uncertainty, and disorganization dominated their
daily lives. The atmosphere of each day was dependent upon the mood of Donald
John Trump, when he was in Washington.
Several aides reported a confusing and unpleasant
relationship with daughter Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner. No one quite
understood their function: why they were granted significance when their
purpose was never defined.
Although it’s true that Trump’s eldest two sons support his
campaign for the White House, it is somewhat surprising that his favorite
child, daughter Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner, are missing in action.
“Tweedle Dumb” and “Tweedle Dee” have no choice. They have
accomplished nothing in their pitiful lives, even less than their father. They
are entirely dependent on him for their very existence.
However, prior to the 2016 campaign, Jared and Ivanka were
accepted members of New York society. Both have been involved in business
ventures, although the morality and legal aspects of those endeavors remain
controversial. The family’s patriarch can only harm their chances to engage in
the lifestyle they prefer.
One issue, which has never been discussed by the failed
mainstream media, is the “Drumpf” family’s connection to Nazi beliefs, specifically
the Ku Klux Klan.
Unless you spend hours each day researching questions
offered by thousands of interested Americans, you were probably a little
surprised when Trump defended Neo-Nazis.
A “Unite the Right” rally was held in Charlottesville,
Virginia, on August 11 and 12, 2017. Anti-fascist protestors denounced the
affront on our nation’s core beliefs, and violence ensued: which is exactly
what the white supremacists had planned.
Many were injured and one young woman was killed when one of
the marchers drove a car into the crowd of protestors.
What shocked many occurred when Trump stood before the
television cameras and offered his opinion of the tragedy. He said: “There were
good people on both sides.”
In 1885, Friedrich Drumpf, later changed to Trump, bought a
one-way ticket to the United States. He was 16 years old. Several years later,
he attempted to return to the motherland, but his request was denied. The basic
reason for his leaving Germany was to avoid two years of mandatory service in
the military. Because he broke the law, German authorities rejected his application...
Friedrich and Elisabeth Trump had three Children. The
oldest, Frederick, was born in 1905. He married Mary Anne McLeod. Donald Trump
was born on June 15, 1946.
At 13 years of age, Donald was sent to a military boarding
school in New York. He attended Fordham University in 1964, but transferred to the
Wharton College of Business where he received his sheepskin in 1968.
Trump began working for his father, Fred, who owned New York
apartment buildings. This is the first confirmed record of racism by the Trump
When Black men or women applied for residence, the rental
agents, including Donald Trump, was ordered to place a big, red “C” at the top
of the first page.
Prior to Trump’s illegitimate presidency in 2017, all other
instances of racism were never investigated, including Fred Trump’s alleged
appearance and arrest at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Queens, 1927.
However, beginning on his first day in office, it became
obvious to everyone that Donald John Trump was a racist, and a bigot. Over the
next four years we learned that he was also a misogynist, an Islamophobe, a
xenophobe, and a homophobe.
Trump has continued to receive praise from David Dukes and
other leaders of the Ku Klux Klan. His attempted coup on January 6 was led by
Neo-Nazi organizers. His silly red hats support the motto, “Make America Great Again.”
This is a thinly disguised message and the real meaning is “Make America White Again.”
Over four years he offered constant proof that his goal was to return America
to the dark days of the mid-twentieth century.
Money protect money. America has become a business and the
future of the American people is not a priority. Most men and women claiming to
be Christians are liars: their true god is money.
Television news became a reality in the 1950’s. It was not a
choice television executives approved. However, congress decided that the
networks had an obligation to keep our nation’s people informed.
Television news began as a one-half hour broadcast every
weekday evening.
Television executives had no plans to offer a news segment
on their daily lineup because it cost them money. Advertisers were reluctant to
spend their money on a broadcast which would not produce a larger audience.
The change began on June 1, 1980 when Ted Turner broadcast
the first 24-hour news network, CNN. Television news broadcasts became
entertainment. The quality of journalism began to decline.
However, although men like Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow,
Harry Reasoner, and David Brinkley were paid wages not dissimilar to school
teachers, this new breed of broadcasters signed huge contracts. Today, every
personality on the evening news is a millionaire. Following the lead of the
right-wing propaganda machine, FOX News, sensationalism increases viewership,
and a growth in advertising revenue follows. The truth is no longer the primary
goal. The once respected Fourth Estate no longer exists.
A final, personal note. I am an original “baby boomer,” born
in 1946. My biological father served in the United States Navy during World War
II. My mother was one of thousands known as “Rosey the Riveter. She worked for
Boeing in Seattle during the war.
WWII was a fight to defeat fascism. The generations which
succeeded me and my parents cannot allow democracy to be replaced by fascism
and Fuhrer Donald John Trump. The thousands of men and women who gave their
lives for their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren cannot be
Op-ed by James Turnage
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