
Showing posts with the label DeSantis

Glimmers of Hope?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I admit that over the last few months this mostly positive writer began to despair. The evil right appeared to be winning on multiple fronts thanks to the media and multiple television propaganda machines. Then came the State of the Union address. Unlike previous Democratic Presidents, Mr. Biden not only stood up for himself, he not so subtly called his predecessor what he is: a liar, a coward, and a fascist who hates his country. The President proved that he is in better shape physically and mentally than his obese, mentally challenged opponent. Over the last couple of days every effort by right-wing extremists to impeach President Biden failed as I knew they would. Unlike Trump’s many crimes, there was no Constitutional basis to remove him from office.   Another victory for all loyal Americans is happening in Florida. Ron DeSantis and his fascist control over the state’s legislature appears to be coming to an end. For months DeSantis has been attacki

Are Floridians Waking Up to the Real Ron DeSantis?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Following his Fuhrer’s example, Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, began molding his state into a refuge for fascism. He gained notoriety when executives for the Disney corporation announced their support for transgender employees. Disney is Florida’s largest employer. He attempted to discount Disney and create financial ruin for the entertainment giant, but failed miserably. He escalated his hateful racism by placing strict restrictions on care and funding for all members of the LGBTQ community. IT’S OKAY TO RESTRICT YOUR CHILDREN’ READING HABITS, BUT NOT MINE Then, for his coup de gras, he began banning all books in the state’s schools and libraries with even a slight reference to slavery, homosexuality, and any other mention of sexual relations. Good morning Adolf! More important than the hateful actions of DeSantis is the fact that nearly every other red state’s governors are taking similar actions as well as passing laws forbidding women from making their own

Conservative Judges Protect Voting Rights in States with “Red” Governors

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   More good news. In fact, it’s a bit surprising, but it is raising my hopes for America’s future. Federal judges, appointed by a conservative president, struck down districting efforts in both Alabama and Florida. Both of these efforts by right-wing extremist state legislators were clearly efforts to suppress votes from Black Americans. On Tuesday a federal judge struck down a redistricting plan written by the right-wing extremist Alabama legislature which violated a prior agreement and an order from the SCOTUS requiring two mostly Black districts based on the demographics. [In another victory for voters, a Florida judge struck down the state’s congressional map over the weekend, ruling that the map — which was pushed through by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) — violates the state constitution by diminishing the voting power of Black Floridians.] If you have ever lived in the Deep South for even a short period of time, you know that the Civil War never ended.

More Florida Hypocrisy Involving Guns and Protection from Gun Violence, but not for the People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Ron DeSantis and his government are the most incompetent, and most hypocritical government in America. Florida has become America’s greatest disgrace over the last few years. Bowing to DeSantis’ fascist policies, the Sunshine State’s legislature continues to cost their residents millions of dollars to promote a ludicrous and hypocritical agenda. The most recent idiocy involves guns, domestic terrorism, and an obvious effort to protect themselves from the increase in gun violence expected from recent legislation. On July 1 st , DeSantis signed a bill allowing the carry of concealed weapons without a permit, adding further danger to the state’s already moronic “stand your ground law.” Immediately after signing the bill, DeSantis ordered the windows replaced on the State Capitol building at the cost to taxpayers of $61.6 million. The reason? The new windows are bulletproof. Dumb, ignorant, hypocritical, and moronic are not words capable of describing Florida’s le

How the Media Colluded in Both the Demise of the GOP and the Fourth Estate

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   As a very young man I watched the evening news on television in the 1950’s and 60’s. Long before the time when satellites were launched giving everyone the ability to see and hear events around the world as they happen, one half hour of news on our local network kept us informed of important events happening around the globe. Legendary newsmen with names like Cronkite, Murrow, and Chancellor offered their viewers information without opinion or inuendo, allowing watchers an opportunity to assess the information for themselves. There are no “news” shows remaining. “Television news” offers entertainment with a few facts thrown in occasionally. Here are some of the headlines on Google’s first page this morning, August 20, 2023. ‘I could sell golf’: How DeSantis and aides courted lobbyists for campaign cash Donald Trump's campaign lashes out at Ron DeSantis after he calls some supporters 'listless vessels' CBS News poll finds Trump's b

What You Hear is the Republican Party Crumbling Into Dust

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   For once the “experts” were right. It has been a slow process, but the Republican Party is crumbling. Although its destruction began in 1981, Trump’s illegitimate presidency hurried its demise. Most of today’s fake Republicans remained loyal to the worst president in American history until he began his baseless claim of “massive fraud” in the 2020 election, and organized the failed coup on January 6, 2021 while remaining in office. With the 2024 campaign season in its beginnings, more right-wing politicians are abandoning Trump and his cult. Although this is undoubtedly a good thing, those who would replace him as their party’s leader are unfit for office and would be as bad or worse than Trump. In all of modern history, Republicans have proven themselves incapable of governing our nation. Reagan began our escalating national debt, Bush 41 continued his fiscal policy, Bush 43 also employed “trickle-down economics” and placed our nation in two illegal

DeSantis’ Lack of Intelligence Will Aid Democrats in a Huge 2024 Victory

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Over the last few months Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, has proven two things to everyone other than his dwindling supporters: He is incompetent and therefore incapable of leading our nation, and he lacks the intelligence necessary to govern 333 million people. Any politician who would pick a fight with the Disney Corporation, Florida’s largest employer, is a moron. However, DeSantis proves that he is even dumber than I believed because after losing every battle with the mega-corporation, he refuses to end a lost cause. On Friday, speaking in Utah, Vice-President Kamala Harris attacked DeSantis’ racist policies and exposed him once and for all as a member of the Neo-Nazi groups who attempted to overturn our democracy on January 6, 2021. DeSantis has been attempting to alter Black history by setting misleading standards about our nation’s racist past for his state’s public schools. They dare to push propaganda to our children," Harris said Friday, denounc