Glimmers of Hope?


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I admit that over the last few months this mostly positive writer began to despair. The evil right appeared to be winning on multiple fronts thanks to the media and multiple television propaganda machines. Then came the State of the Union address. Unlike previous Democratic Presidents, Mr. Biden not only stood up for himself, he not so subtly called his predecessor what he is: a liar, a coward, and a fascist who hates his country. The President proved that he is in better shape physically and mentally than his obese, mentally challenged opponent.

Over the last couple of days every effort by right-wing extremists to impeach President Biden failed as I knew they would. Unlike Trump’s many crimes, there was no Constitutional basis to remove him from office.

 Another victory for all loyal Americans is happening in Florida. Ron DeSantis and his fascist control over the state’s legislature appears to be coming to an end.

For months DeSantis has been attacking Black Americans, the LGBTQ community, women’s rights, and anything else he considers “woke.” In other words, if you are a patriotic American who cherishes the Constitution and the traditions of our 247-year-old nation, you are “woke.”

A court decision in Florida recently cancelled some of DeSantis’ “don’t say gay” policy in Florida’s schools.

“What this settlement does, is, it re-establishes the fundamental principal, that I hope all Americans agree with, which is every kid in this country is entitled to an education at a public school where they feel safe, their dignity is respected and where their families and parents are welcomed,” Roberta Kaplan, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs, told The Associated Press in an interview. “This shouldn’t be a controversial thing.”

All right-wing politicians and many of their supporters are clearly leaning towards the replacement of democracy in America and instituting a fascist regime with Trump as their Fuhrer. However, DeSantis is “Fascist 2.0.”

Republicans fear the truth. If the truth about slavery, the struggle for personal freedom by the LGBTQ community, and all scientific fact is passed down to future generations, “Republicans” will soon be gone and eventually forgotten.

I sincerely believe that the past is more important than the future. If a nation and its people fail to learn from the past, there will be no future. The history of America is composed of situations and conditions we are not proud of and must not be repeated.

And, yes, that includes a Donald Trump presidency.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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