Conservative Judges Protect Voting Rights in States with “Red” Governors


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


More good news. In fact, it’s a bit surprising, but it is raising my hopes for America’s future. Federal judges, appointed by a conservative president, struck down districting efforts in both Alabama and Florida. Both of these efforts by right-wing extremist state legislators were clearly efforts to suppress votes from Black Americans.

On Tuesday a federal judge struck down a redistricting plan written by the right-wing extremist Alabama legislature which violated a prior agreement and an order from the SCOTUS requiring two mostly Black districts based on the demographics.

[In another victory for voters, a Florida judge struck down the state’s congressional map over the weekend, ruling that the map — which was pushed through by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) — violates the state constitution by diminishing the voting power of Black Floridians.]

If you have ever lived in the Deep South for even a short period of time, you know that the Civil War never ended. On the surface whites in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and other states which were a part of the Confederacy, or are currently defined as “red states,” appear to be Americans who support the Constitution. However, the truth is they remain loyal to Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and other leaders of the rebellion against the Union. They remain racists and are prejudiced against anyone who was not born in the South and all minorities.

These men and women continue to believe in white supremacy, and would like to have the right to make all Blacks their slaves. Suppressing their voting rights is a huge part of their agenda.

There has never been a “United” States of America. There are two Americas in multiple situations. While in the USAF, and stationed in Texas and Mississippi, I experienced what it was like to live in a foreign nation. Raised in Los Angeles, I knew nothing about the South other than what I saw on television. That did not tell the whole story. I was unnerved when I saw a sign next to a restaurant brandishing an arrow, pointing to a place behind the building, and one word, “Niggers.”

The Union Army won the Civil War but what we call “red states” today are lost forever.

Op-ed by James Turnage


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