DeSantis’ Lack of Intelligence Will Aid Democrats in a Huge 2024 Victory

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Over the last few months Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, has proven two things to everyone other than his dwindling supporters: He is incompetent and therefore incapable of leading our nation, and he lacks the intelligence necessary to govern 333 million people.

Any politician who would pick a fight with the Disney Corporation, Florida’s largest employer, is a moron. However, DeSantis proves that he is even dumber than I believed because after losing every battle with the mega-corporation, he refuses to end a lost cause.

On Friday, speaking in Utah, Vice-President Kamala Harris attacked DeSantis’ racist policies and exposed him once and for all as a member of the Neo-Nazi groups who attempted to overturn our democracy on January 6, 2021. DeSantis has been attempting to alter Black history by setting misleading standards about our nation’s racist past for his state’s public schools.

They dare to push propaganda to our children," Harris said Friday, denouncing the updated Black history curriculum, per the AP.

A wise man would have ignored a statement which did not become nationwide, but not Florida’s failing governor.

"It's totally outrageous," DeSantis, a GOP presidential candidate, said at the Utah Capitol alongside over a dozen state lawmakers.

"…These are the most robust standards in African American history probably anywhere in the country."

"She's going to come down to the state of Florida and try to chirp and … try to demagogue," he said, referring to Harris' trip to Jacksonville, Florida on Friday.

American voters must ask themselves who they want to represent our nation’s 333 million people. Do we want another anti-American like Trump, or do we want a woman or man who lovers her or his country and will serve every citizen. She or he must not restrict their loyalty and devotion to those who support white supremacy and other forms of bigotry. For me, the number 45 will always make me remember the disaster created by our illegitimate president between 2017 and 2021. I hope that I will never see another man walk out of the White House and order his supporters to halt a democratic process and overturn an election.

Op-ed by James Turnage


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