How the Media Colluded in Both the Demise of the GOP and the Fourth Estate


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


As a very young man I watched the evening news on television in the 1950’s and 60’s. Long before the time when satellites were launched giving everyone the ability to see and hear events around the world as they happen, one half hour of news on our local network kept us informed of important events happening around the globe. Legendary newsmen with names like Cronkite, Murrow, and Chancellor offered their viewers information without opinion or inuendo, allowing watchers an opportunity to assess the information for themselves.

There are no “news” shows remaining. “Television news” offers entertainment with a few facts thrown in occasionally. Here are some of the headlines on Google’s first page this morning, August 20, 2023.

‘I could sell golf’: How DeSantis and aides courted lobbyists for campaign cash

Donald Trump's campaign lashes out at Ron DeSantis after he calls some supporters 'listless vessels'

CBS News poll finds Trump's big lead grows, as GOP voters dismiss indictments

Asa Hutchinson says he has qualified for the Republican debate

Meadows told special counsel he could not recall Trump ever declassifying Mar-a-Lago docs

These are all stories about Republicans who are entirely unfit for any public office.

Fact: all media gave Trump five times more coverage during the 2016 campaign season than all other candidates combined. Why? The answer is simple: “sensationalism attracts more viewers; more viewers results in more advertising revenue.” Money and America have become synonyms in our nation over the last quarter of the 20th century into the 21st century.

The once “Fourth Estate” was given protection by the First Amendment for a single reason. It was charged with exposing government corruption. However, it ceased to exist when the mainstream media became as corrupt as our government. They refuse to do the right thing or offer the complete truth in every situation.

DeSantis is a fascist, but the media refuses to use the one word which accurately describes him. His actions promote white supremacy, homophobia, misogyny, and the control of information to benefit his own agenda. As desperate as he is to win the 2024 Republican nomination, he remains 30-35 points behind in Republican polls.

I’m sure you are asking, “who in the hell is Asa Hutchinson?” He is another 72-year-old white man who was the governor of Arkansas for eight years. He failed the people of his state for two terms. Arkansas is one of the poorest states in the Union. He, too, wants to be your president.

Some of you remember Mark Meadows. He was Trump’s last Chief of Staff. He was also a major part of Trump’s failed coup on January 6, 2021. He is a traitor, having assisted Trump with the organization and planning of the insurrection.

The media continues to cover Trump more than any other politician, including the President. They take no responsibility for dividing our nation, although they continue to give relevance to our nation’s greatest traitor who was impeached twice and never received a fair trial in the Senate, thanks to the worst Majority Leader in history. Trump has now been indicted four time for his alleged commission of felonies in the first half of 2023.

Not once has any legitimate newsperson offered the American people the truth about the worst man in the world who should not be allowed to run for office at any level.

America: what a f**king country!

Op-ed by James Turnage

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