
Showing posts with the label Republicans

Is it Mandatory to be Stupid when Choosing Politics as a Profession?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart After reading comments made by several politicians this week, including the gibberish from Trump, I am convinced that one of the prime attributes needed to become a professional politician is abject stupidity. Much has been made of South Dakota,s big mistake, Kristi Noem, and it is definitely justified. Bragging about killing a puppy, a goat, and three horses is ludicrous. Just as brazen and dishonest is claiming to have met a world leader you never came in contact with. However, since 2015 I have read many moronic statements than I ever believed possible. Take a look at these quotes. All of them took place in the month of December, 2015. Each of them came from a man or woman calling themselves a “Republican.” LIKE THEIR FUHRER, THEY MAKE NO SENSE "When a physician removes a child from a woman, that is the largest organ in a body. That's a big thing. That's a big surgery. You don't have any other organs in your body that are bigger t

There Will be Only One Legitimate Candidate on the 2024 Ballot

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Here are the facts. On November 5, 2024 the American people will choose the man who will lead our nation for the next four years. This man must be an American citizen who will keep his oath to serve every American and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Tradition demands that he be qualified for the office he seeks, and possess a strong moral character. By law, he must be at least 35 years of age, and a natural born citizen who has been a resident of the United States for 14 consecutive years. ACCORDING TO THESE STANDARDS, ONLY ONE LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE WILL BE ON THE BALLOT IN NOVEMBER Other than the last sentence I previously wrote, only President Biden is qualified to be our nation’s president. Trump is unfit for any office at any level. I’m going to forget the fact that the 14 th Amendment prevents Trump from running for office, and the Court ignored the Constitution. Let’s take a look at everything else which prev

What Scurrilous Nickname Cannot be Applied to Right-Wing Politicians?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump enjoys making up ‘nicknames’ for his millions of adversaries. Most of them are silly and meaningless, but when you failed most of your classes in high school and college, this is the best you can do. I have many nicknames for Trump and his fascist party, and I don’t have to make them up, they are real and accurate nouns and adjectives. For instance, I have called Trump the orange buffoon, Trumpenstein, and with recent revelations about his idols, “Big Adolf.” His party is incompetent beyond belief, but that’s not all. They are pathological liars, extremists, unfit for office, and fascists. But the term which describes the entire party is “corrupt.” HYPOCRITES ONE AND ALL Right-wing politicians have proven to be the opposite of “the party of family values.” Among their crimes are sexual deviance, numerous felonies, abandoning their promises to voters, choosing instead to support the super-rich, while ignoring the needs and wishes of their constituent

Sometimes I Think No One is Paying Attention and That’s How Republicans Like It

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump and his pretend Republican Party fear one thing more than anything else: the truth. I am saddened that I don’t have a million followers who cannot wait to read my blog daily. However, I will tell you once again about the most important issue in every election year, the economy. I’m going to take you back to 1981. Republicans would like you to believe that Ronald Reagan was a great president. This is far from the truth. In my estimation, he is listed in the category of the five worst presidents in history. The Corruption Which Exists in Washington Today Began in 1981 The truth about Reagan is revealed in his domestic policy. Reagan was the first Republican president to demand unquestioned loyalty from his party. Free thought and opposition to our 40 th president’s policies were forbidden. The entire right side of the Capitol Building was united against the left side, and occasionally each other.. It was Reagan who began the wars on the working class

House “Republicans” Prove that They are a Bad Joke, and Admit that the Once Grand Old Party is No More

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart This sad but laughable saga began in January of 2023. Republicans had won a slim margin in the House of Representatives and would therefore be choosing a Speaker. Without a Speaker, it is illegal for the House to conduct any of our nation’s business. It was no secret during the years when Nancy Pelosi held the gavel that California Representative, Kevin McCarthy, envied her position as the Speaker. He made it clear that he would do anything to become Speaker of the House of Representatives. McCarthy Remains Loyal to Trump, not to his Country It is also no secret that McCarthy was a Trump lacky. He was one of the Republicans who maintained phone contact with America’s biggest traitor throughout the three-hour insurrection on January 6, 2021. However, for the fascist members of the Freedom Caucus, he was considered a moderate: his beliefs and policies were not far enough to the right. Until 2023, Only a Single Vote was Needed to Choose the Speaker When the vote wa

Republicans, Desperate for Votes, Pander to America’s Jewish Population

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Over the last couple of months, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has exposed who he really is. He is no better than the man who attempted to exterminate all Jews in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Attempts to Gain Autocratic Rule and the Destruction of the Palestinian People Netanyahu was exposed as a man who hates all Palestinians simply because they exist. His efforts to amass absolute power over the last year are opposed to democracy and support a fascist regime. He is no better than the greatest enemy of all Jewish people, Adolf Hitler. All attempts to build lasting peace in the Middle East have been thwarted by Netanyahu. He has refused to negotiate in good faith with Palestinian leadership. Netanyahu will never end his attacks on the Palestinian people until they are exterminated. Republicans are Desperate for Votes in 2024 Freedom Caucus Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has invited Netanyahu to speak on the floor of the House of Repres

Flag Burning in Tennessee?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There is no doubt that millions of Republican voters are ignorant, uninformed, and simply “batshit crazy.” Over the last nine years, thanks to Trump and his MAGA Republicans, I have watched the dumbing down of America, and this has become a dangerous situation. THE CONFEDERACY HAS RISEN FROM THEIR GRAVES I firmly believe that our country is engaged in a Second Civil War. A situation in Tennessee may offer the ultimate proof about my allegation. A bill in Tennessee’s fascist, right-wing legislature is being fast tracked. If passed, and it is expected to succeed, it would allow the Confederate flag to be placed in the state’s schools and ban the Pride flag in those same buildings. Now take a minute to think about this. These ignorant, old white men, who were elected to serve the American people, would place the flag of traitors who sought the overthrow of our government in a position of honor. At the same time, they would ban the flag of innocent people who are

Anti-Trump Republicans Hold an Anti-Trump/Anti CPAC Protest

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Last weekend a Republican event was held in Washington, D.C., attended by hundreds of right-wing politicians and supporters. I’m not referring to the extremist, pro-Trump morons who continue to shout the same angry and hate-filled attacks they did nine years ago. This was held by an anti-Trump group calling it the “Principles First Summit.” SAVING AMERICA FROM TRUMP AND HIS HATERS These men and women openly expressed their belief that Trump is a serious threat to democracy in America. They plan to focus on Republican supporters who favor Nikki Haley. Their target audience shares a single belief: “GOP defections will be the single largest factor in the November outcome.” I agree to a point. However, a recent Gallup poll revealed an all-important fact: 49 percent of all registered voters consider themselves Independents. I view this as a very positive step in American politics. Both major parties have failed the American people. Those who call themselves “Re

Trump has no Power, so Why Do They Fear Him, Why are They so Cowardly?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Recently MAGA Republicans backed away from a bill agreed to by President Biden, a bill they asked for many times. It would have virtually closed our nation’s southern border with Mexico. Their only reason for reversing their position 180 degrees were words from America’s worst former president. I am no fan of Ronna McDaniel However, her only reason for removing herself as the Republican leader in the RNC is Trump’s demand that she steps aside. His plan to replace her is founded on nepotism. His plan is to place forgotten son Eric’s wife in this powerful position. TRUMP IS A POWERLESS COWARD AND A BULLY I ask, “why are today’s fake Republicans afraid of Trump?” His only weapon is the hot air coming from his lips. He has no powers other than those surrendered by right-wing politicians and his fascist cult. Over the last nine years we watched two situations unfold. What began in 1981 came to fruition on January 20, 2017. With the inauguration of Donald John Trump c

Since 1993, Democratic Presidents Were Forced to Rescue Our Economy from the Failures of Republicans

Op-ed by TheWiseOld Fart   In 1989 Reagan left office. Our country was in debt for more than one-trillion dollars. His ludicrous fiscal policy of “supply side economics,” better known as “trickle-down economics,” put money in the pockets of the super-rich, while stagnating the economic growth of the working class. This led to a huge national debt thanks to diminshing tax revenue from those who could most easily afford to pay their fair share.   His Republican successor, Vice-President George H.W. Bush, continued this failed policy and was subsequently forced out of office after one term.   Enter Democrat William Jefferson Clinton in 1993. When he left the White House in 2001, the national debt was eradicated, and America’s national treasury experienced a surplus of funds.   His successor should have been Vice-President Al Gore, who would have continued efforts to grow the economy for all Americans, but a politically biased Supreme Court illegally interfered in the election process an

No one in Washington Cares, so Why was This Story Reported?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart FBI Director Christopher Wray: “The greatest danger to the American people is domestic terrorism.” Director Wray informed Congress of this fact months ago, but not one of the right-wing legislators paid attention. Gun violence remains the greatest and fastest growing danger to every citizen in our nation, and the right wing continues to do nothing but offer “thoughts and prayers.” I know that the NRA gun lobby is one of the owners of those who call themselves “Republicans” today. However, they were elected to serve the needs and wishes of all Americans, and if putting an end to the growing problem of gun violence is not a priority, they have no purpose. The latest of this year’s mass shootings, which far outnumber the days on the calendar, was in Kansas City as the city celebrated the victory of the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl LVIII. One person was killed and 22 injured. The average age of the victims was under the age of 16. There was no need to report thi