Since 1993, Democratic Presidents Were Forced to Rescue Our Economy from the Failures of Republicans

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

In 1989 Reagan left office. Our country was in debt for more than one-trillion dollars. His ludicrous fiscal policy of “supply side economics,” better known as “trickle-down economics,” put money in the pockets of the super-rich, while stagnating the economic growth of the working class. This led to a huge national debt thanks to diminshing tax revenue from those who could most easily afford to pay their fair share. 

His Republican successor, Vice-President George H.W. Bush, continued this failed policy and was subsequently forced out of office after one term. 

Enter Democrat William Jefferson Clinton in 1993. When he left the White House in 2001, the national debt was eradicated, and America’s national treasury experienced a surplus of funds. 

His successor should have been Vice-President Al Gore, who would have continued efforts to grow the economy for all Americans, but a politically biased Supreme Court illegally interfered in the election process and gifted George W. Bush the presidency. “W’s” continuation of trickle-down economics, combined with his choice to engage in two unwinnable wars, placed our nation in danger of another great depression. Another Republican and another failure. 

In 2008 our nation’s people elected its first Black President, Barack Hussein Obama. Mr. Obama made wise decisions within his cabinet and our nation began to move forward out of the “Great Recession.” 

Although our nation’s 44th President accomplished many things, his focus was on the stabilization and growth of our economy. When he left office in 2017, not only was our nation in full recovery mode, he established future efforts which would be implemented during Donald Trump’s tenure.  

It immediately became evident that Trump’s focus was on Trump and the plans of his mentor, Vladimir Putin. He, too, adopted the fiscal policy of his three predecessors, and the accomplishments of Mr. Obama were erased. Spending less than three hours performing the duties for which he was elected each day, his time was occupied with golf, partying at Mar-a-Lago, holding hate rallies, watching Fox News, and texting his angry responses to a growing number of critics. 

His choice to ignore the deadly coronavirus moved America close to another huge recession. When Trump left office, his only “accomplishments” were enormous tax breaks for corporations and the super-rich. He intentionally divided the American people, and attempted to end the existence of the organization which has prevented WWIII, NATO. 

In 2020 America’s voters chose Joe Biden as their 46th President. Trump was crushed in both the popular and Electoral College vote. He is a ‘working president,’ whose accomplishments are many. The truth is that in three years he has done more for our country than his five most recent predecessors. Our economy is growing rapidly, and our place in the world of developed nations is quickly moving to the position it maintained for decades. 

You might have noticed a pattern here. Those who call themselves “Republicans” have proven themselves incapable of effectively governing our nation. After each Republican president failed economically, a Democrat rescued the American people from disaster.  

Republicans have become a party which serves special interests exclusively. Thanks to the existence of an unconstitutional group known as “Lobbies,” right-wing politicians continue to surrender their votes to billionaires and millionaires. 

You may wonder why I claim that lobbies are unconstitutional. The answer is simple. The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal rights under the law. The poor and the working class do not have lobbyists working for them. That is, unless you call “Democrats” lobbyists. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

My novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app 


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