
Showing posts with the label Hypocrisy

Are Floridians Waking Up to the Real Ron DeSantis?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Following his Fuhrer’s example, Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, began molding his state into a refuge for fascism. He gained notoriety when executives for the Disney corporation announced their support for transgender employees. Disney is Florida’s largest employer. He attempted to discount Disney and create financial ruin for the entertainment giant, but failed miserably. He escalated his hateful racism by placing strict restrictions on care and funding for all members of the LGBTQ community. IT’S OKAY TO RESTRICT YOUR CHILDREN’ READING HABITS, BUT NOT MINE Then, for his coup de gras, he began banning all books in the state’s schools and libraries with even a slight reference to slavery, homosexuality, and any other mention of sexual relations. Good morning Adolf! More important than the hateful actions of DeSantis is the fact that nearly every other red state’s governors are taking similar actions as well as passing laws forbidding women from making their own

If You are a Legitimate Christian, You Must Denounce the Hypocrisy in Your Midst

Op-ed by TheWiseOld Fart   If you claim to be a Christian, and continue to support Donald Trump, you are a liar and a hypocrite. I was raised a Catholic, but I am a member of the largest group of Americans today, known as “Nones.” I reject organized religion and all the lies and propaganda from Evangelical leaders.   It is an undeniable fact that Trump is a sexual predator, a lifelong criminal, a misogynist, a homophobe, and a constant prevaricator. The pastor of the Christian church he claims to belong to revealed that “he has never seen him cross the threshold of that church.”   This has not stopped MAGA Republicans from claiming that “America has always been a Christian country.” I am required to inform these malcontents that history proves them wrong.   At the core of why our Founding Fathers created the United States of America is “freedom of religion.” That’s why the first line of the First Amendment reads, “ . Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion

Like We Needed Another Reason to Reject Nikki Haley’s run for the Presidency

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Donald Trump is the most hated criminal in America. He is responsible for approximately 100,000 deaths from Covid-19. His refusal to take action in January of 2020, telling our nation’s people that “it will just go away,” is the reason why the death toll from the pandemic in the United States passed the one-million mark. He is the only politician to openly attempt a coupe while in office. Only Trump stole government secrets for personal use and lied about returning them: a crime punishable by death. (See Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in 1955.) Nikki Haley admitted that if she becomes our president and Trump is convicted of treason, she would pardon the biggest criminal in American history. She is admitting that she would ignore the Constitution and protect the evil man who made her the ambassador to the United Nations. She would then become another traitor to the values and principles of our nation’s highest law, the Constitution.. Trump admitted that he was give

If You are One of the 68 Percent of all Evangelicals Who Support Trump, You are not a Christian

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Only men and women who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament can call themselves “Christians.” Donald Trump has never set foot in the church he claims to support, according to the church’s pastor. Trump is a confirmed and convicted sexual predator, a lifetime criminal, tells lies constantly, and judges everyone crudely while refusing to admit his many mistakes. Anyone who supports this bitter, angry, obese, old white man who spreads anger, hatred, and intitiates violence cannot claim to follow the instructions of the Christ. The majority of Evangelicals are hypocrites. Let me state a personal opinion. Religious interference in America’s government is the greatest danger to our nation’s future. Religious extremism has been the force behind wars and the deaths of millions of innocent men, women, and children for centuries. There is no justification for allowing religions to become a factor in how America is governed. We are not a reli

Politicians Claim: “America is the Greatest Country in the World,” But the People Say ‘Bullshit’

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Let’s take an honest look at America in the 21 st century. Where do you think our nation stands on issues which are most important, and where do you think one-half of our dysfunctional government stands? This rating includes 15 nations included in an overall rating of quality of life. Here’s a clue; the United States does not rate first in any category. Inf fact, we are last in the group at number 15. However, in the free world America is ranked 23 rd in healthcare. Only wealthy Americans receive the finest care because only the wealthy can afford the most expensive medical services and personnel available. Even for working class men and women who have healthcare plans at their place of employment, co-pays create hardships for millions of our nation’s people. Our failed healthcare system has become the most expensive and inefficient in the world. I, personally, had two friends die in a hospital after being misdiagnosed. America is the only nation in the worl

All Religions are Based on Irrational Beliefs and Groundless Hope

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Fact: the largest number of innocent people slaughtered by invading armies were the result of wars waged by religious entities. Wealthy Americans are the enemy of the majority. All religious leaders are members of the wealthy class and pay zero dollars in taxes, although they in violation of the First Amendment. Religious leaders pay zero dollars in taxes and live the lifestyle of the super-rich. Every Sunday they preach their lies and half-truths with only a single intention; convince them to increase the amount of money they place in the collection plate. Money truly is the root of all evil, and money is the only issue of importance in America. You and I mean nothing to the wealthy, religious leaders, or politicians. All three are only concerned with your money and your votes. I support anyone who is a true believer. However, I ended my belief in organized religion in 1962 when I was sixteen. I was convinced that all religions were created by mortal men who

Torture and Murder in Service to Jesus Christ?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Everyone and everything somehow receive a free pass when done in the name of Jesus Christ. This is the basic Christian philosophy, if you are one of millions who use the Bible for your own benefit, to protect your personal beliefs. Not for true believers. I dare anyone who proclaims themselves to be a Christian, to show me anywhere in the New Testament where Christ encourages and approves torture and murder. Until I was 16, I was a Catholic. As a pre-teen I considered the priesthood as an option. I read the Bible, and continue to believe that Jesus Christ was a man of peace and love. It is of no concern for me if He was the Son of God, or a prophet, his words had deep, spiritual meaning. Someone should explain these facts to radical “Christian” groups, supported by many of our leaders in Washington, including the last Supreme Court Justice confirmed by Moscow Mitch McConnell’s political party. On Thursday, 9/14/23, five adults and one 15-year-old girl were arr

Another Right-Wing Hypocrite, Lauren Boebert, Proves that Hypocrisy Defines the Former GOP

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   In 2022 the darling of the NRA, Lauren Boebert, faced a runoff during her reelection bid. It appeared that the people of Colorado’s 3 rd district were facing the reality that this woman was totally unfit to hold public office. However, she retained her seat by a few hundred votes in Washington. The question now is can she win in 2024? Boebert is displaying a high level of desperation. She is refusing to support her previous position regarding Republican’s baseless efforts to impeach President Biden, and her adamant support for the worst man in American history, her mentor and idol, Donald Trump. Her usual brash and annoying verbiage seems to have disappeared. In fact, Boebert is staying away from Washington and her fellow Freedom Caucus cronies. She has been “hiding out” in her home state. “I have these dual aspects of national and home,” Boebert told POLITICO as she sat outside the community center in this one-road town that runs parallel to the Colorado Riv

More Florida Hypocrisy Involving Guns and Protection from Gun Violence, but not for the People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Ron DeSantis and his government are the most incompetent, and most hypocritical government in America. Florida has become America’s greatest disgrace over the last few years. Bowing to DeSantis’ fascist policies, the Sunshine State’s legislature continues to cost their residents millions of dollars to promote a ludicrous and hypocritical agenda. The most recent idiocy involves guns, domestic terrorism, and an obvious effort to protect themselves from the increase in gun violence expected from recent legislation. On July 1 st , DeSantis signed a bill allowing the carry of concealed weapons without a permit, adding further danger to the state’s already moronic “stand your ground law.” Immediately after signing the bill, DeSantis ordered the windows replaced on the State Capitol building at the cost to taxpayers of $61.6 million. The reason? The new windows are bulletproof. Dumb, ignorant, hypocritical, and moronic are not words capable of describing Florida’s le

Pro-Lifers are a Perfect Example of Right-Wing Hypocrisy

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Let me begin with the end. Religious extremists are the reason for the issue of abortion becoming political. They are clearly more concerned about a one-inch fetus than the life of a full-grown woman. Placing that fact aside, let’s take a short look at reality. The human brain begins to develop in the uterus within the sixth or seventh week. However, it is not fully developed until the end of the second trimester. Why is this important? Christian extremists claim that life begins at conception, and seek to ban all abortions, regardless of how the pregnancy originated. Pro-lifers are also involved in the termination of life for those who are terminally ill and the prognosis of regaining normal life is minimal at best. Their argument is founded on the fact that the patient’s brain remains “alive,” not alive as we might consider it, but alive according to science. They oppose any form of “mercy killing.” Let me make this clear. Anti-abortion fanatics

Moscow Mitch McConnell’s Time is Over

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   While speaking with reporters in Kentucky Wednesday, Moscow Mitch McConnell appeared to ‘freeze’ once again. He remained silent for about 30 seconds. Photos from the event appear to reveal Moscow Mitch as a very frail 81-year-old man. Questions about his health began some time ago when he displayed what appeared to be a purple discoloration on his hands, arms, and face. Recently, questions about his mental acuity have risen. Our government has a serious problem with age, created by the refusal from congress to establish term limits for itself. 19 of our nation’s 535 lawmakers are 80 or older. 54 of our country’s 100 Senators are over 65. The average age of all members of the House and Senate is 64. I strongly oppose agism: I am 77 years old. However, I find it unreasonable that our nation, whose average age is 38.2 years of age, is governed by men and women who should be at home in their rocking chairs with their grandchildren or great grandchildren sitting on

The Rapid Demise of the Party of Lincoln

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It began in 1981. It was a slow but study process. First, Republican politicians had their free thought removed. They were required to obey Ronald Reagan without question. By the time George W. Bush was given the Electoral College by the Supreme Court in 2000, complete loyalty and the surrender of dignity, principles, and morality began the absolute demise of the Party of Lincoln. Between 2017 and 2021, the Republican Party imploded and right-wing politicians became Republicans in Name Only. We should all demand that right-wing politicians change their party’s name to something more realistic. “The Donald Trump Party” is too pretentious. However, “The American Fascist Party” would be accurate and apropos. Every politician sitting on the right side of the aisle has surrendered themselves and their future to the worst man in the world, Donald John Trump. Every RINO in Washington has violated their oath of office in which these words are contained: “I swe

Trump Admits that He Hates America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I have written many times that Trump is not an American and therefore cannot become the President of the United States of America. Recently, he admitted that my allegation is indeed fact. The proof actually began on January 20, 2017, and was completed on January 6, 2021 when he ordered his Neo-Nazi army to halt the certification of the Electoral College vote. Recently, he admitted that he hates the America of our founding fathers and the Constitution signed by the members of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia at the closing in 1789. He told some members of his cult that he “wished he lived overseas.” Of course the only countries which would accept him are Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, and Turkey. He is hated by nearly every person in any of the developed nations. I would love to see him leave our country permanently. From the day he was born, he was living in the Trump world, the Trump Klan. His daddy paid for everything from deferments fro