Moscow Mitch McConnell’s Time is Over

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


While speaking with reporters in Kentucky Wednesday, Moscow Mitch McConnell appeared to ‘freeze’ once again. He remained silent for about 30 seconds. Photos from the event appear to reveal Moscow Mitch as a very frail 81-year-old man.

Questions about his health began some time ago when he displayed what appeared to be a purple discoloration on his hands, arms, and face. Recently, questions about his mental acuity have risen.

Our government has a serious problem with age, created by the refusal from congress to establish term limits for itself. 19 of our nation’s 535 lawmakers are 80 or older. 54 of our country’s 100 Senators are over 65. The average age of all members of the House and Senate is 64.

I strongly oppose agism: I am 77 years old. However, I find it unreasonable that our nation, whose average age is 38.2 years of age, is governed by men and women who should be at home in their rocking chairs with their grandchildren or great grandchildren sitting on their laps. They must not have the ability to make decisions for our young nation. I believe that no man or woman my age should make decisions affecting such a young, diverse, and changing nation.

In January of 2017, Moscow Mitch proved that his time in the Senate was over. As the leader of the “anybody but Trump” club, he became our nation’s biggest hypocrite and bowed to Trump and his unconstitutional agenda immediately. However, his lifelong ambition was achieved before he apparently lost what was left of his decaying mind. On June 24, 2022, his Supreme Court overturned a woman’s right to make decisions about her own physical and mental health. The 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Court, known as Roe v Wade was overturned.

We old men have advantages and disadvantages. I know much more than younger Americans about anything of importance. However, I lack the stamina and cannot relate to those who are half my age. The truth is that no septuagenarian or octogenarian can relate to all Americans. My generation will be remembered for the greatest number of contributions in history, and for being forced to adjust to the greatest changes in our nation’s history. However, our time is over, as it should be.

The United States is lagging behind every other nation in the world when social issues are under discussion. Healthcare, education, racism, sexism, income inequality, and religious freedom are problems which remain unaddressed by our government. Their focus remains on profits for the wealthy, and supporting the demands of special interests whose lobbyists buy votes every day.

The American voter must do better. We must cease voting for old, white men, and all women and men who simply have an “R” or a “D” next to their names. Voting for a political party is ignorant and why our current government both corrupt and dysfunctional.

Take responsibility for your mistakes. Do the right thing every time. Take pride in your principles and ideals. Turn off the “boob tube” and think for yourself.

Op-ed by James Turnage


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