Pro-Lifers are a Perfect Example of Right-Wing Hypocrisy
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
Let me begin with the end. Religious extremists are the
reason for the issue of abortion becoming political. They are clearly more
concerned about a one-inch fetus than the life of a full-grown woman. Placing
that fact aside, let’s take a short look at reality.
The human brain begins to develop in the uterus within the
sixth or seventh week. However, it is not fully developed until the end of the
second trimester. Why is this important? Christian extremists claim that life
begins at conception, and seek to ban all abortions, regardless of how the
pregnancy originated.
Pro-lifers are also involved in the termination of life for
those who are terminally ill and the prognosis of regaining normal life is
minimal at best. Their argument is founded on the fact that the patient’s brain
remains “alive,” not alive as we might consider it, but alive according to
science. They oppose any form of “mercy killing.”
Let me make this clear. Anti-abortion fanatics object to
abortion when the brain is not fully developed, and also oppose termination of
life based on a single fact: the brain remains fully formed and partially
functional. If you are confused, you should be.
No one is immune from having an opinion about abortion, and
that’s as it should be. What is drastically wrong is when a government becomes
involved in the most difficult decision a woman can make. Ultimately the only
decision can be made by one person; the woman who is faced with an unwanted or
even life-threatening pregnancy.
Men are not prevented from having a vasectomy. Rapists are
not charged for murder when their heinous act results in an unwanted pregnancy
and abortion becomes a necessity. The effect of an unwanted or forced pregnancy
on the life, the physical and mental health of a woman is not relevant to
pro-life protagonists.
America is many things, but among its many attributes common
sense and the protection of individual rights are not placed in the highest
priority. When religious bigotry supersedes human rights the basic principle
upon which the United States was founded becomes irrelevant and the promises of
the Constitution no longer exist.
Republicans and their owners, the Christian Religious Right,
are quick to protect the life of a one-inch organism, but last on the list of
valuing the life of the woman who hosts the fetus.
Over the last six years women have been reduced to third
class citizens. If we look closer, it may be worse. Number one are white men.
Number two are Black men. Number three is a fetus produced by or unwanted
pregnancies, and last are women of all races.
The United States lags far behind every other developed
nation. Our values have been twisted by special interests who own one entire
political party.
Millions of Americans watch FOX News, Newsmax, or other
right-wing extremist broadcasts for hours each day. Even more men and women
faithfully watch evening news broadcasts, unaware that these too are scripted
and fail to tell the whole story. The Fourth Estate no longer exists.
In 21st America no one in power can be trusted.
Our government survives because it lies to us and hides facts from the American
Few politicians deserve your precious vote. Please stop
throwing it away by voting for a party and not a candidate who will serve you.
If the principles of America cease to exist, you have only yourself to blame.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my nine novels here:
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