
Showing posts with the label Incompetence

Our Judicial System is Shattered and Trump is Laughing at my America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Today, another corrupt court confirmed that Trump is above the law and never will be punished for nearly 100  crimes committed against the people of the United States of America.   Monday, 3/25/24, Trump was required to post a bond of 445 million dollars or his properties would become eligible for forfeiture under the forfeiture act. After losing his fraud case, these were the terms.   However, on Monday a state appeals court reduced the required bond to a less costly 175 million. No one would give a man who never pays his debts one-half billion dollars.   The Truth is, Trump is Broke   Trump could have lost Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster, or any other property he owned. Another corrupt court will allow him to continue the pretense that he has any rights. He will once again receive a free pass, although Trump should be in a federal detention facility awaiting trial for treason.   The America of our Founding Fathers is but a Memory   If the Constitutio

Trump May be the Leader, but Many More Share the Blame

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart, nearing reality. It may appear to the uninformed that these facts began in the 21 st century, but the reality is far more sinister. Three names you know well are the key players  TRUMP LIED ABOUT NOT KNOWING PUTIN The path to Trump’s illegitimate presidency began 37 years ago in Moscow. Donald and Ivana Trump received an invitation to visit the Russian Capital from the KGB in 1987. By this time Vladimir Putin had become one of the principal members of the spy agency. What happened over those few days is a closely guarded secret. However, thanks to former MI-6 agent, Christopher Steele, we know everything that happened in Moscow in 2013. The dossier is factual and another truth hidden from the American people by our corrupt government. This is how Trump won the Electoral College in 2016. Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as our nation’s 40 th president in 1981. He changed all the rules, and discarded all the principles of the Republican Party. He demanded unquesti

Nepotism and the Trump Klan

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When Trump became our 45 th but illegitimate president, he brought with him a little bit of the family trash: their names were Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.   They were equally qualified with their father and father-in-law, in other words there was never a single reason they should be a part of our government. There is a word for this: nepotism.   The Trump Klan Always Fails at Everything   The White House staff reported their dislike for the couple, wondering what they were doing. The answer was nothing. They were upset that Ivanka believed she was someone special, the only thing she ever did was find a  way to place herself in the middle of New York society.   Trump placed Jared in several positions which should have been handled by the Secretary of State, and, as suspected, failed miserably at each endeavor. One of his assignments was to find a peaceful solution between Israel and the Palestinian people. What is happening in Gaza today is a part of Jare

Matt Gaetz is Trying Harder to be the Most Hated Man in the American Fascist Party

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Matt Gaetz, Republican Representative from Florida, (where else), is a member of the fascist leaning Freedom Caucus, and therefore another Trump ass kisser. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of room for everyone on his humongous derriere. For anyone who is not paying attention, the House of Representatives is a joke. Thanks to the TEA Party and the Freedom Caucus it is the reason our legislative branch is completely dysfunctional, and until these traitors to the American people are removed, our government will remain broken. In January of 2023, the late-night comics had a great time creating jokes about then wannabe Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy. Throughout our nation’s history it has never taken more than one vote to select a speaker. However, because those who call themselves Republicans are pretenders, and incapable of governing our country, McCarthy was elected, but only after 15 votes. He was forced to make “deals” with the Freedom Caucus to win th

If You are a Republican who Supports Trump, I Doubt that You Possess Common Sense

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I assume that if you support Trump you continue to live in 1950’s America, or you would prefer to. However, the current date shows us that we are nearly one quarter through the 21 st century, and if we haven’t moved on from our nation’s dark, warlike, and prejudiced past, we are doomed and will not survive another 25 years. Case in point: the Second Amendment should be revoked or at the very least rewritten. In its present form it remains ambiguous, and extremely difficult to place in terms which make sense in the 21 st century. What is perfectly clear is nowhere in the short and controversial amendment is there a definition of what type of weapons can be legally possessed by ordinary citizens. For example. The Supreme Court is considering whether or not “bump stocks” are protected by the Constitution. I am certainly not a Constitutional scholar. However, a simple understanding of the situation in 1789 when the Constitution was completed and signed by our Foun