Nothing Proves my Claim that America’s Government is the Most Corrupt and Incompetent in the World than the Debt Ceiling

America is a strange country. It claims many “firsts,” and all of them are moronic and destructive. Corporate profits are of far greater importance than the quality of life for more than 340 million people. Most legislation which would improve the lives of the majority are never addressed and never come to the floor for a vote. I continue to claim that the federal government of the United States is the mot corrupt and incompetent in the world. I can prove my allegations easily and simply. I begin with the Electoral College. No nation in the world allows states to choose their president, or leader by another name, than America. In every other developed nation, the people choose the woman or man who will lead them. Because the Electoral College exists, we have “red and blue states,” which divide our nation and remove credibility from the election process. America is also unique in the fact that it is the only nation in the world not to have universal healthcare. Only in America is the hi...