Bret Baier Joins Bill O’Reilly as the Most Rude and Fake Journalists in History: Totally Void of Class
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I knew the truth, but Fox viewers ignored the facts. Bill O’Reilly never was a legitimate journalist and his highly rated show was a disgrace to real newspersons everywhere. His one tactic was to talk over his guests if he did not like the answers they were about to give. Recently, Kamala Harris had the class and the courage to accept an interview on the biggest fake news broadcast in history: Fox News’. Bret Baier was given the honor of interviewing our future president, but he failed miserably. He used O’Reilly’s tactic. He would ask a question and as Vice-President Harris began her response, he began talking, attempting to make an effort in support of the worst president in history 38 times. He embarrassed himself and lost all the respect I once had for him. What was Baier’s excuse? (I paraphrase). “If I let her answer the questions, there wouldn’t have been enough time in the interview.” Really? Fox IS the original “FAKE NEWS.” Op-ed by James Turnage Find my...