For MY AMERICA, All I Have to Say is R.I.P.

On November 8, 2016, my government, and millions of ignorant voters, with the assistance of Vladimir Putin, the mainstream media, and James Comey, surrendered the United States of America to fascism and its Fuhrer, Donald John, “the Traitor,” Trump. Just like the Republican Party, America, as I knew it, is nothing more than a memory. The United States in the 21 st century is a nation without laws, morals, or principles. This confirms my claim; America is extinct. The values I learned in my youth are no longer the values of most Americans. It is now acceptable to be a philanderer, a sexual predator, a convicted felon, a racist, bigot, and a sexist. No one cares about the violence on January 6, intended to overthrow our country’s democratic government. Trump proves what your mother told you: “Anyone can grow up and become the president.” I may stand alone, but I will never recognize the worst man in the world as my president. As long as he and his fascist party are in control of our gov...