If You Trust the Bible, the Anti-Christ has Risen

I reject organized religion. However, I believe the New Testament of the Bible should be read by every person on the planet. Whether you believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, or a prophet, His teachings about how to live a more spiritual life are perfect. What is most interesting about the New Testament is that the lessons to be learned are also contained in the Quran. The Prophet Mohammad and Jesus Christ could have been brothers. Unfortunately, the obese, old man who will be defecating in our White House next January is undoubtedly the “Anti-Christ.” His message to the men and women he refers to as “basement dwellers” contain the opposite meanings in the teachings of Mohammad and Jesus. He preaches fear, anger, hatred, vengeance, and violence, not love, compassion, and understanding. It is impossible for any man or woman to believe and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and live a life of crime and debauchery. Trump had the full support of Evangelical leaders ...