Trump Cannot Tell the Truth Because the Truth is His Greatest Fear

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Over the last nine years, anyone who follows politics and political figures knows that if Trump or his cronies said it, it was a lie. Desperate to win the 2024 election, Trump’s television ads have become more vicious, composed of more outrageous lies than ever before, and if you know the facts are so fallacious they are almost hilarious. I believed that his biggest lie would always be his baseless claims that he won the 2020 election. However, with election day just one week away, his whoppers have reached a level never attained by great imaginations like Walt Disney or Stephen Kiing. Over the last nine years, every plan for our nation’s future in the fascist manifesto, “Project 2025,” originated at one of Trump’s hate rallies. His supporters simply compiled his beliefs into a 922-page document designed to destroy the country I have cherished for 78 years. Trump told one of his biggest lies when he claimed that he knows nothing about it. Last ...