Who Dared to Say “F**k Donald Trump?”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I say it every day, but what musical icon recently said “f**k Donald Trump?” If you know anything about her and are as old as I am, you might be able to make an accurate guess. On Saturday there was a concert in Los Angeles. The headliner is a legend who had not been the primary singer in more than two decades. Joni Mitchell did not disappoint. However, Ms. Mitchell is a vibrant 80-year-old, and shares my memories of our beloved country before Donald Trump and his fascist agenda for America. “Everybody get out and vote. This is an important one,“ Mitchell told the crowd. “I wish I could vote. I’m Canadian—I’m one of those lousy immigrants.” She completed her comments with a simple but poignant statement: “F**k Donald Trump.” In certain situations expletives are necessary to reveal our deepest feelings. She joined Beyonce and Taylor Swift, among others, as mega-stars who support our first woman President, Kamala Harris. Save America by voting for an American on N...