
Showing posts with the label Puppets

I Refuse to Bow Down to Putin’s Evil and Destructive Puppets

Two arrogant and self-serving white men are destroying our country, and no one is bold enough to do anything now. They are waiting for the courts to make decisions which may be based on political bias, and will require weeks if not months to arrive at a decision. Our nation’s future does not have time to wait.   Trump and Musk are not very bright men. It is clear that everything which is happening in Washington comes from Vladimir Putin. These old men are simply tools. Their handler is laughing as he witnesses the destruction of our nation piece by piece. Democrats have never learned the value of public opinion. In 1996, billionaire and fascist-leaning newspaper magnate, Rupert Murdock, created an extremist propaganda machine under the guise of being a legitimate news service. It became Rush Limbaugh 2.0 and has been brainwashing uninformed Americans for more than three decades. I do believe that without Fox, Republicans would have lost most elections beginning in 2000. Their polic...

Hey Trump; I Know you Failed Social Studies, So Allow Me to Educate You

America was always meant to be a nation of immigrants. Trump is obviously unaware that America is a nation of immigrants. It is highly likely that he is unaware that his grandfather, Friederick Drumpf/Trump immigrated to the US in the mid 1960’s. 22 percent of all Americans claim to speak a language than English in their homes. Of the 22 percent, only 8.4 percent say that they speak it well or very well. However, the most racist man in the world will sign a bill into law making English the official language of the United States. English cannot be the only acceptable language in a nation composed of immigrants. King George III’s demand that the Anglican Church be the only Church of the British Empire. This was the “straw which broke the camel’s back” for our Founding Fathers. Unlike Trump, I and most other Americans celebrate our diversity, and support equality and inclusion for all. This is what would have made America a great country until millions of ignorant voters voted for Trump i...