
Showing posts with the label Hegseth

Trump Administration Clearly Supporting Vladimir Putin

Let’s take a look back into the dark days of the first illegitimate Trump administration. The connections between Trump, his “people,” and Vladimir Putin were undeniable, and supported by “Republican” politicians. From August of 2016 until election day, the man who financed Trump’s campaign was Robert Mercer. Mercer is a billionaire whose closest friends include Russian oligarchs. He is the primary supporter of the right-wing extremist blog and radio broadcast, “Breitbart.” Two years after the illegitimate election, it was confirmed that Trump and Putin were in constant contact during the 2016 campaign. The plan to win the presidency began in Moscow in 2013. Trump’s first Secretary of State was Rex Tillerson. Tillerson formerly held the position of CEO in the Exxon Corporation. More significantly, he was close friends with Vladimir Putin, and conducted many business arrangements with the Russian President. Tillerson received the highest honor a civilian can receive who is not a Russian...

Pacifism-Hatred-Putin’s Puppet-Armed Militia-Saving America

I am a proud pacifist. Violence never accomplishes anything, and no war has ever been “won.” Even when I was a martial arts instructor, my first attempt was to encourage my students to avoid violence whenever possible. Our oath: “I come to you with empty hands: I have no weapons. However if it is a matter of life or death, right or wrong, then these are my weapons: Karate, my empty hands.” I am beginning to think that “my empty hands may not be enough.” It is an undeniable fact that Trump is Putin’s puppet. It is a fact known by our government, both political parties, and our military that in 2016 and 2024 Putin won the election for Trump. On both occasions, Trump is an illegitimate president whose intent is to destroy the dream of our founding fathers forever. As a pacifist, I have renounced the destructive emotion of hatred for most of my life. However, because the future of 340 million people is in the balance, and the country I love is under attack, I have learned to hate Trump and...

Meet Pete “the Party Animal” Hegseth, Your Secretary of Defense

Your uncaring and Trump worshiping fake Republican Party confirmed a woefully unqualified degenerate to oversee the largest and most expensive military force in the world. Pete “the Party Animal” Hegseth, is a drunk, a womanizer, a thief, and another Trump wannabe who paid hush money to a woman he sexually assaulted. So when I tell you that cowardly and hypocritical Republican Senators in Washington confirmed his nomination as, you won’t want to believe this, Secretary of Defense, you may or may not be appalled, but you should be. Good news for Republican politicians who worship Trump, Hegseth has promised to end Pentagon waste. He will make many changes in how the military brass spends taxpayer money. He believes that women are meant to be subservient to men and they are not qualified for combat. Therefore, he will change their uniforms to something more fitting for real women Combat gear for male soldiers and sailors is too expensive, and Hegseth has a cure for that.   Hegseth ha...

Oh, What the Hell: Let’s Allow Another Immoral, Unprincipled, Sexual Predator to Work in Trump’s White House

The names Matt Gaetz and Pete Hegseth are interchangeable. Their history proves that they are depraved sexual predators, have addictive personalities with drugs and/or alcohol, and are confirmed but not convicted criminals. The one difference is that the furor over Gaetz based on several Congressional investigations forced him to remove himself from the nomination to become the Attorney General. Hegseth has no integrity or self-esteem and continues to fight for Senate confirmation as Secretary of Defense. I say, “what the hell! All of Trump’s nominees are woefully unqualified and have a dark past. Why not allow another another ‘Trump clone’ to defile the West Wing?” Let’s be totally honest about this serious situation. Members of a president’s cabinet and nominees for other critical institutions including the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Environmental Protection Agency, have extremely important jobs necessary to sustain the American way of life. To suggest that a no...

I Must Have Fallen Asleep on November 5th and Awakened the Next Day in a Farrelly or Coen Brothers Movie

  What I have been reading over the last week cannot be real. It must be a farcical movie produced by the Farrelly or the Coen brothers. In this movie, the dumbest, most corrupt old, obese, white man in America became our country’s president. To add to the ridiculous overall theme, this moron selected men and women for his cabinet and closest advisors who are totally unfit for the positions offered to them, and in several situations opposed to the departments they will lead. If this is reality, this movie will produce more tears than laughter. Does anyone with average intelligence believe that “Little Marco Rubio” possesses any of the experience and skills necessary to hold the positions of Secretary of State? Rubio has been called the “laziest member of the Senate.” Not once has he displayed the ability to “think on his feet,” or the skills necessary to negotiate during the diplomaticl process. Then I read about Tulsi Gabbard. She has frequently been suspected of having a ...