The Truth About American Economics and the Fiscal Policies of our Presidents

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The Truth Lives Here The facts are undeniable, and the truth is irrefutable. In 1981, Ronald Reagan adopted a fiscal policy he called “supply side economics,” but is known as “trickle down economics” by most Americans. It was a major failure. The quality of life for working Americans stagnated or declined. Unemployment rose. The national debt rose to one-trillion dollars by the end of Reagan’s second term in 1989. His Republican successors, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump used the same policies, the worst being Trump who added an estimated eight trillion dollars to the national debt in just four years. In each situation, our nation’s economy was saved by a Democrat: Bill Clinton in 1992, Barack Obama in 2008, and Joe Biden in 2000. This is reality, not a fallacious television ad. Op-ed by James Turnage