Shocker: I Have Learned that Trump Lied. He Will not Lower Grocery Prices and Supports Billionaires!

These two articles appear to have no relationship to the other. However, the truth is, they fit like a hand in a glove. “Trump backtracks on vow to lower grocery costs” “Mark Zuckerberg donates $1M to Trump after suppressing political content” I hate social media. Most Americans will believe anything if it fits closely with their own, uninformed beliefs. Mark Zukerberg, the owner of “Facebook/Meta, strongly supports Trump for one reason: Trump gives tax breaks to billionaires. However, he has no interest in the truth. This may surprise you, but the truth is, if Trump’s lips are moving, he’s lying. Not once in his lifetime has he told the truth in public. Now, let’s put one and one together. Trump will do nothing to lower the prices of necessities. However, everything will become more expensive if he places huge tariffs on imported goods. Billionaires own the corporations which produce our food and other necessary goods to maintain life. Zuckerberg is a billionaire. Need I say...