
Showing posts with the label Oligarchs

No More Basement Dwellers, Now it’s Only Billionaires for Trump

  Trump will no longer be forced to accommodate  his most avid supporters, who in private he refers to as “basement dwellers.” He will now be surrounded by his 756 billionaire supporters, who are more accurately known as oligarchs. Trump has never been a legitimate billionaire. Like the rest of his life, his wealth was an illusion. He “cooked the books” in his favor throughout his failed efforts to become a legitimate businessman. When taxes were due, he deflated the value of his real estate holdings, each of which was deep in debt. When he needed a loan from Deutche Bank, or other large lending institutions, he inflated the value of his holdings. His controversial victory on November 5, 2024 offered him another opportunity to play the role of a billionaire. Trump said many times that “he loves using other people’s money.” During his first illegitimate presidency, he wasted more than six million taxpayer dollars every month. That’s more than one-quarter of a billion dollars ov...

If Your Last Name is Trump, Your Entire Life’s History is Built on Lies

It’s pitiful, but undeniably true. If this was an accurate description of my life, I would have committed suicide long ago. After researching Donald Trump for the last ten years, I know that your illegitimate president’s entire life’s story is built on lies. To this day, if his lips are moving, he’s lying. It was easy to learn that Trump’s educational history is manufactured, not earned. If this is untrue, why in 2017 did the old, obese, white man have all records related to his education sealed? I know from reading and watching the lowlights of his rallies that he never earned his diploma from Wharton and the same is undoubtedly true about his graduation from military boarding school. As he did to obtain deferments from serving in the Vietnam War, father Fred most certainly paid for his diplomas. Trump is virtually illiterate, refusing to or incapable of reading. His attention span is less than five minutes. Do you remember when he was in the Oval Office, on a rare occasion, engaged i...

Your President is a Nazi

Trump’s first action, after lying to God and the American people without his hand on the bible, was to take a huge dump on the Constitution and the graves of every soldier who fought bravely in WWII to save the world from fascism. Trump pardoned the leader of the Proud Boys and commuted the sentence of the leader of the Oath Keepers, the two leaders of Neo-Nazi groups who helped him plan and execute the attempted coup on January 6. This proves once and for all that Trump is the official leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America, men and women whose ultimate goal is to overturn the government of the United States of America, and hand the reigns over to Vladimir Putin. Not a single Trump supporter can continue their denial that Trump is a Russian agent. By association and their brazen support for Trump, we can now confirm that all 756 billionaires in our nation are Nazi sympathizers, including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg. We can also justify our suspicions that all leader...

Equality: The Biggest Lie of All

        In the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, our Founding Fathers laid the groundwork for what would be the Constitution of the United States of America. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-“ The men who created the United States of America were in denial, ignoring their own failures to “put their money where their mouths were.” Most of them owned slaves, and obviously did not consider them equal to white men and women. When framing the Constitution between 1787 and 1789 during the Constitutional Convention, an agreement was made to protect the practice of owning slaves, primarily in the southern states. The Second Amendment was written for two reasons. First, to guarantee the availability of organizing an a...