An Entire Industry Could Declare Bankruptcy, but They Voted for the Con Man Who Will be Responsible

I’m not part of the deceitful mainstream media, so I’m not going to pull my punches: many of those who voted for Trump will suffer the most, and I have no sympathy for them. No one should vote for a candidate who lies and uses television to make fools out of them. An entire industry could face ruin if Trump keeps his promise to conduct mass deportations. His goons will not be concerned about Hispanics who are here legally, they will only care about the origin of the birth. The agricultural industry cannot survive without workers who are willing to literally break their backs caring and harvesting their crops. It is no secret that many of these men and women are not legally in our country. In multiple interviews some of the owners of these farms tell us that they have tried to hire young men and women who were born in America to work for them, but none of them are willing to work that hard for so little money. Add to this Trump’s moronic idea to place large tariffs on imports. Some nati...