
Showing posts with the label Nazis

Trump Administration Clearly Supporting Vladimir Putin

Let’s take a look back into the dark days of the first illegitimate Trump administration. The connections between Trump, his “people,” and Vladimir Putin were undeniable, and supported by “Republican” politicians. From August of 2016 until election day, the man who financed Trump’s campaign was Robert Mercer. Mercer is a billionaire whose closest friends include Russian oligarchs. He is the primary supporter of the right-wing extremist blog and radio broadcast, “Breitbart.” Two years after the illegitimate election, it was confirmed that Trump and Putin were in constant contact during the 2016 campaign. The plan to win the presidency began in Moscow in 2013. Trump’s first Secretary of State was Rex Tillerson. Tillerson formerly held the position of CEO in the Exxon Corporation. More significantly, he was close friends with Vladimir Putin, and conducted many business arrangements with the Russian President. Tillerson received the highest honor a civilian can receive who is not a Russian...

Will Trump’s Name be Erased from Epstein’s List?

    It is an undeniable fact that Trump and fellow sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein were close friends for a decade. There are videos of the two old, white perverts attending parties at Mar-a-Lago. Although the media hid the fact that Trump was accused by one 12-year-old girl after one of Epstein’s parties, this is the truth. As it has been for Trump throughout his pitiful life, he was placed above the law ant the situation was never fully investigated. Trump’s Attorney General, who is another member of the Washington Mafia and guilty of criminal activity, Pam Bondi, is preparing to release information about Epstein’s immoral activities, including a list of men who attended his underage sex orgies. The question is: “will Trump’s name be removed from that list?” At 78 I have become a skeptic, I trust no one in power or who possesses great wealth. A desire for great wealth, and/or power, removes an individual’s humanity. If you look up “corruption” in any ...

Republicans: “We Don’t Care What the People Want or Think”

You and I no longer count. Today’s corrupt and incompetent government has openly stated that they are fascists and Trump is their Fuhrer. His demands are the only thing they care about. They serve Trump, Musk, and ultimately Vladimir Putin. When Republican politicians returned to their home states during the recent of many “breaks,” and attempted to speak to their supporters, they were booed, met with shouts of “no king.” When these same cowardly hypocrites returned to Trump Town, they blamed everyone but themselves for growing public unrest. “It’s easy to be critical, but the people voted for change in November, and that’s exactly what they’re getting.” “It’s unfortunate that the other party’s chosen to turn this into a political stunt.” “I think they were uninformed people, so I really kind of discount that,” said Grothman, who added that he suspected those upset at his event were Democrats. “I think once you’re informed you realize that we’ve got a lot of financial problems.” Our na...


It began on January 20, 2025 and is happening today. Our government is facing a Constitutional Crisis. Every day since his illegitimate inauguration, he has violated the Constitution as he attempts to obtain ultimate and irreversible power. To the uninformed American, it appears that Trump and co-president Elon Musk are making all of the decisions. However, it is a fact that neither of these men is capable of governing the most powerful nation in the world. Being rich does not make you smart. Outside of America, most world leaders believe that Vladimir Putin is the wealthiest man in the world. His assets are well hidden. Some assumptions are that his personal wealth is nearly one-trillion dollars. It is Putin who began his assault on the future of the United States in the 1980’s, and it is he who is in charge of our nation’s future today. He now has two puppets doing his bidding. It was Trump who first met with Putin in Moscow in 1987. I find it disgusting that Musk, Bannon, and other ...

Revolution for Retribution

  With all three branches of our government corrupted and dysfunctional, I believe that it is time to prepare for a second American Revolution. Our country has existed for nearly 249 years. I assume that most of you share my love for the principles of our Founding Fathers expressed in the Bill of Rights. I can promise you that I will never surrender my rights to the Nazis in control of Washington today. Between 1941 and 1945, more than 400,000 Americans gave their lives in a unified effort to defeat fascism. However, nearly one-half of all of our nation’s people, and about two-thirds of the members of the House, Senate, and the Supreme Court support the end of democracy and the establishment of an all-white fascist regime. If a revolution is necessary, let it be. I am a pacifist, but the survival of the United States demands confrontation, let it be. If Trump and Musk resist and force is required to remove them from the White House, so be it. Trump and Musk proved that they a...

Hitler Would Be Proud

This I expected. Every lifetime criminal would love to have control over any branch of law enforcement which has power over them. This is exactly what Trump is attempting to do by placing the Department of Justice under his complete control. If he achieves his goal, he will have achieved the exact same control of America, and a failed justice system, as Hitler had in 1930’s Germany. The rule of law would become non-existent. If you don’t think this will happen, you are not being naïve, and choosing ignorance over fact. Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell stacked the current Supreme Court with right-wing extremist justices. In 2024 these six traitors to the Constitution declared that ‘presidents have total immunity.’ Trump has always been placed above the law and now he has nothing to fear. One of the first actions by co-presidents Trump and Elon Musk was to fire dozens of men and women whose only purpose was to oversee the daily proceedings in Washington and report corruption and criminal...

Trump Reneges on Immigration?

Trump is now supporting his form of “selective immigration.” It won’t surprise you, the immigrants he wants to bring to our shores are pure whites and very wealthy. I smell Musk in this suggestion. Although the continent of Africa is predominately Black: north, south, east, and west, most of the wealth in South Africa remains in the control of white men, the same white men who supported apartheid. Trump would love to have more white oligarchs who are grateful to him for their ability to rape the working class simply for personal ambitions and avarice.   However, the word from South Africa is “no thanks.” Although these pure white billionaires would pay zero tax in the United States, no one wants to live in Trump’s America. I apologize. To call what is happening today Trump’s “America” is an insult to his 45 predecessors. Although many of our presidents were less than adequate, Trump will forever be labeled as the “worst of the worst.” Allowing Trump to be our 45 th and 47 th pres...

Separate and Unequal

  In 2024, the Supreme Court destroyed the most important part of our Founding Father’s creation. Our system of a Democratic Republic was intended to have three “separate but equal branches.” However, in order to prevent any form of monarchy, or autocracy, the least powerful of all three branches was the Executive: the presidency. This all changed in 2024. In 2017 Moscow Mitch McConnell and Trump began to “stack” the Supreme Court with what would become three unqualified justices who had promised to support the right-wing’s extremist agenda. This 922-page fascist manifesto is called “Project 2025.” The first major blow to democracy came on June 24, 2022. This dark day in our nation’s history will be remembered as the most vicious attack on women’s rights in a lifetime. Repealing a decision by a legitimate Court, 49 years in the past, removed a woman’s right to make decisions about her personal physical and mental health. Roe v Wade, federal protection for a woman’s right to...

Band of Traitors

  DOGE is a farce, about this, there is no argument. However, Musk and his Band of Babies are traitors among us and every day this fake department exists is a Constitutional violation. Elon Musk is in control. I am positive that a closer look at his background will reveal an association with Nazi sympathizers in South Africa. This egomaniac has greater aspirations than owning a failing electric car company. He is clearly power-mad, but without the support of our nation’s people. To work in his non-existent DOGE, Musk has employed several young engineers. These five or six Muskovites have the power to suggest firing longtime and experienced government employees. Some investigations into their backgrounds have begun. One name stands out currently. One 19-year-old, Edward “Big Balls” Coristine, was fired from a tech agency for committing acts of corporate espionage. This little punk has been given access to personnel records protected by their agreements as government employees. These...


Just 17 days.  That’s how long Trump has been pretending to be a U.S. president. There are protests in America’s streets. It’s only the beginning. America has not experienced this much unrest and chaos since 2017. Trump’s worst brings out the best of America. From Trump’s own words, his Project 2025, and Musk’s two fascist salutes to his supporters, it is an undeniable fact that in control of America are two devout Nazis. From removing government employees whose only purpose was to investigate corruption, fraud, and criminal actions, to restoring high prices of prescriptions for seniors, every act by your illegitimate president is designed to harm the majority, and protect the rich and powerful. This is part of a plan to make the plutocracy permanent and establish a fascist regime which will guarantee the wishes of our 756 oligarchs. Every villain needs a central figure to blame for his inadequacies. For Trump, his victims are immigrants, most significantly Hispanics. Other actions...


Two weeks. Trump and Musk accomplished my prediction in just two weeks. Democracy no longer exists in America. Trump, Musk, and their fascist army have complete control of our government. We are now a nation ruled by Nazis, the same vile and heartless men and women we defeated in WWII. Their lightning war has been ignored by the mainstream media. Journalists of the past would be printing headlines in bold letters, calling Trump and Musk what they are: Nazis. The real villains, the reason our nation is cursed with a traitor defiling the White House, have names: John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Aito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. These six corrupt and biased Supreme Court Justices gave Trump absolute immunity. Their refusal to prevent him from running for any federal office by invoking section three of the 14 th Amendment allowed him to join with Putin and Musk and rig the November election. Think about it. It is illogical and virtually impossible for a conv...

Dysfunction, Cowardice, Hypocrisy: America Would be Better Served with no Federal Government

Some quotes to think about. “The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments”. Ludwig von Mises “In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful.” Leo Tolstoy What is happening in Washington today is unforgivable and extremely dangerous. Nazis are defiling our White House.  Musk and his puppet, Donald Trump, are undoing our nation. Instead of improving the lives of all Americans and making our nation safer, they are accomplishing the opposite. Why do we need a federal government? Taxpayers spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year paying on a small group of American citizen’s lives of luxury and privilege. Why? All three branches are corrupt and dysfunctional. The incompetence in Washington would result in abject failure in any other corporation in our nation. Yes, I said “any other corporation...

Is Trump Unwittingly Reuniting our Nation and Too Stupid to Realize the Truth?

    Face it America, Trump and his party are the enemy. Trump is a destroyer, the opposite of a creator. This is why he failed to record a single accomplishment between 2017-2021, and will fail again between 2025 and 2029: if he lives that long, God forbid. Everything which improved the lives of the majority of our nation’s people has been removed over the last two weeks. Trump is showing his real self: he is a Nazi who supports our current plutocratic rule. He is NOT an American president. Calling Trump’s first two weeks pretending to be an American president have been labeled a disaster. This is true. However, it deserves adjectives added to disaster, including “abysmal,” “ultimate,” “horrific,” and many more. He told us that he would be taking revenge on his enemies, but not to this level. Most of every waking hour, and his executive orders are spent on personal attacks on his many, many detractors. None of this is focused on advancing the quality of life for our nation’s p...

Co-Presidents, and Now Co-Failures in the Business World

Two very stupid white men who sacrificed their lives of luxury, privilege, and debauchery to seek relevance and support America’s Neo-Nazi movement. These two men are Donald Trump and Elon Musk. These co-presidents also share losses. Both men gave up the lives they enjoyed to engage in the ugly and depraved world of politics. Both suffered the loss of any respect they might have possessed, and lost billions of dollars attempting to change America for their own benefit. After Trump’s disastrous first presidency, many of the clients who had rented space in Trump Tower on 5 th Avenue in New York, to establish high end retail shops, vacated the premises. Many businesses associated with the name “Trump” around the world began to end their relationship with the Trump organization. Trump continues to resort to efforts which he desperately needs to pay for his legal bills, and save what is left of his failing business “empire.” He is attempting to sell bibles made in China, cheap watches with...

Your President is a Nazi

Trump’s first action, after lying to God and the American people without his hand on the bible, was to take a huge dump on the Constitution and the graves of every soldier who fought bravely in WWII to save the world from fascism. Trump pardoned the leader of the Proud Boys and commuted the sentence of the leader of the Oath Keepers, the two leaders of Neo-Nazi groups who helped him plan and execute the attempted coup on January 6. This proves once and for all that Trump is the official leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America, men and women whose ultimate goal is to overturn the government of the United States of America, and hand the reigns over to Vladimir Putin. Not a single Trump supporter can continue their denial that Trump is a Russian agent. By association and their brazen support for Trump, we can now confirm that all 756 billionaires in our nation are Nazi sympathizers, including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg. We can also justify our suspicions that all leader...

“If it Walks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck, It’s a Duck”

If he Talks Like a Fascist and Acts Like a Fascist, He’s a Fascist Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Adolf Hitler was given control of Germany in 1933. He and his Nazi Party were fascists who literally brainwashed an entire nation into believing that they would revive Germany’s economy and lead their nation to a new level of “greatness.” They sacrificed their freedoms and surrendered their basic human rights to a demagogue. All rational thoughts disappeared as Hitler’s propaganda machine convinced an entire country that everything he said was fact and that his orders must be obeyed. Sound familiar? Last Sunday Trump held another hate rally, this time in Madison Square Garden. The event featured six hours of crude and racist rhetoric, and has been compared to a rally supporting Hitler’s fascist beliefs in 1939. Trump’s “people” are denying the undeniable: Trump is a Nazi and would stablish a fascist regime if he is elected. Men who were members of his White House staff between 2017 and 2021 confi...