Real Americans Will Never Surrender and Will Join the Resistance

The fascists can rightfully claim victory. Whether the election was legitimate or valid is of no consequence. Our government will hide the truth from us, fearing that all Americans will learn how incompetent and useless the three branches of government have become. We will never know the truth about multiple events in our nation’s history, including the Kennedy assassination, your president’s failure to take action in September of 2001, and the 2016 and 2024 elections. There are many others, but of far less importance. If you voted for Kamala Harris, and your state’s Electoral votes were given to Trump, as ours were in Nevada, your vote did not count. Without the only weapon the people possess, what can we do? We must join the resistance. We must speak out in any way possible. We must take action in any form guaranteed to us by the First Amendment. If the French underground and other organizations throughout Europe refused to surrender in WWII, we must follow their lead. When real Amer...