
Showing posts with the label Nazi

An Intentionally Divisive Speech Which Was Boring and Filled With Lies

I read excerpts of Trump’s very long and very boring speech on Tuesday evening. Above all, he failed to tell us anything he has accomplished which would improve our nation’s future. Once again, most of his time has been spent chasing a little white ball through the grass and sand. It is 100 percent clear that Musk is making all of the big decisions. In 78 years, Trump has never worked a single day in his pitiful life. I was slightly surprised when he openly attacked Democrats and Independents for disagreeing with his vile and fascist agenda. What the fuck did he expect? Is he that stupid? He is a Russian agent, and Russia remains our greatest enemy 77-year-old congressman Al Green refused to cease his verbal attacks against the wannabe Fuhrer, and was escorted out of the building. Of course when bitch Marjorie Taylor Green harassed President Biden incessantly, nothing happened. Now pretend Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson says Mr. Green will be censured. The word is “HYPOCRISY” What ...

“What Would Jesus Do?”

I am not a religious man. However, I try every day to be more spiritual. Although I reject religions created by men, I cherish and trust the teachings of Jesus Christ and Mohammad. If you read the New Testament of the Bible or the Quran, Jesus and Mohammad offered a clear and perfect way to live our lives. Whether they were Gods or Prophets, does not matter. The basic principle both of these great men taught their followers was simple, and contained in only five words: “always do the right thing.” It is a sad fact that very few men and women who call themselves “Christians” believe and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is sad that many of the men who call themselves Muslims take the words of Mohammad and twist them, becoming violent extremists; ignoring his instructions about love, understanding, and compassion. America has an illegitimate president in 2025. He claims to be a Christian, but in truth is the Antichrist. His words, actions, and ambitions are in direct opposition to...

Trump Will Charge Anyone, Including Our Nation’s Biggest Enemies Five Million Dollars for Citizenship

“America is a business, not a country.” This was a line from a Brad Pitt movie and it was never truer than today. From attempting to bribe Ukraine President Zelenskyy to his new plan for a fast track to citizenship, the government of the United States of America is no longer serving its nation’s people, it is all about money. Trump will never admit the truth: between 2017 and 2021 his economic failures and personal use of the national treasury added eight trillion dollars to the national debt. But, as he tells us every day, “he has a plan.” “We’re going to be selling a gold card,” Trump said from the Oval Office. “You have a green card. This is a gold card. We’re going to be putting a price on that card of about $5 million and that’s going to give you green card privileges, plus it’s going to be a route to citizenship. And wealthy people will be coming into our country by buying this card.” What the biggest racist in America is actually saying is: “I want rich, white people to come to ...

No Official Position, no Security Clearance, Musk Should be in a Federal Holding Cell

  Allowing Trump’s co-conspirator’s access to anything happening in the West Wing is a violation of so many laws I lost count. Most importantly, his interference in our government is a violation of the Constitution. The fact that Musk is or will be in possession of classified material is a violation of the Espionage Act. Musk is violating every law which involves private and personal information. He has no legal access to anything involving our government, and most importantly the citizens of our nation. Trump cannot legally grant Musk access to information which is not public knowledge, and for which he has not received a security clearance. This failed car manufacturer is a Nazi who has invaded our nation’s most guarded secrets. Trump’s second illegitimate presidency is a travesty of justice and a violation of the Law of the Land. The Nazi leader is a clear and present danger to the future of our nation. He is THE domestic enemy. His alliance with our country’s 756 oligarchs will...

America and The Bully Hated Around the World

“The Bully President.” This is certain to be the title applied to Donald John Trump. He has earned it. His threats have become famous, or better yet, infamous. His policies are founded on “quid pro quo.” He is not an intelligent communicator, and has proven that his book, “The Art of the Deal,” was 100 percent a fraud: a fairy tale. Being a bully is the only way he knows how to get anything done, with the exception of simple bribery. With no talent, and no knowledge of anything, he is undoubtedly the worst illegitimate president in history. Recently Trump sent his extremely unqualified Vice-President, J.D. Vance to Western Europe. After making a vile and demanding speech in Munich, German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, responded to the arrogant and unwelcome outsider. [Scholz spoke at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, slamming “outsiders intervening in our democracy, in our elections, in the democratic formation of opinion in favour of this party,” especially from “friends and alli...

Sadly, Time Magazine Got it Right

If you haven’t seen it, the latest issue of Time Magazine’s cover depicts Elon Musk sitting behind the Resolute Desk. The truth is, Musk is running America, and running it off a cliff. I never believed it possible, but Musk actually knows less about governing our country than the old, obese man who was illegitimately elected twice. Most billionaires/oligarchs are accomplished at one thing only. When they get out of their lanes, they reveal their ignorance, incompetence, and arrogance. Musk is the richest of them all. He is not only out of his lane, he took the offramp which is leading our nation towards total destruction. America has become less of a country and more of a business. Most of our nation’s citizens are focused on wealth and the unnecessary possessions which follow. Musk created an agency for himself. He calls it DOGE, the Department of Government Efficiency. His idea of “efficiency” is the eliminating of hundreds of millions of dollars from multiple agencies without a thor...

Not an American President

November 5, 2024. This day in American history is likely to become the darkest day in its nearly 249 years of existence. I never thought I would experience a more horrific event in our country than the attempted coup on January 6, 2021. Three hours of mayhem, violence, efforts to destroy our nation’s democratic government. An act of treason orchestrated by one self-centered egotistical maniac in an attempt to remain in power. He admitted to his staff that he lost the 2020 election, but used a lie to justify organizing a group of Nazis to invade the Capitol Building. With Trump again in a position to rule over 340 million people, I fear that my prediction is coming to fruition. Trump is violating laws, customs, tradition, and the Constitution every day he pretends to be an American president. It is clear that he will never be a true president; he is not a leader: the schoolyard bully is a dictator. He most definitely lacks the qualities to be an American. His loyalty is not to the peopl...

Trump is not Just Following Project 2025, He is Mimicking Mein Kampf

Welcome to the Nazi State of Donald Trump. A traitor is living in the White House and he is remaking our government into the image of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. We know from past revelations that Trump holds great admiration for Adolf Hitler. I have been warning our nation’s people for years about the dangers of a second Trump presidency. However, I heard many people in denial, claiming “it won’t be that bad.” They were correct: it’s much worse. Musk is taking control of multiple government functions, without Senate confirmation or a security clearance. What the fuck is our useless government doing about these illegal actions? Not a fucking thing. The DOGE is not real or legal. Someone must have the cojones to say to Trump’s face and say, “fuck you.” I am angry and I will not be like our elected officials and sit here and watch Trump and his Nazi army destroy my country in the light of day. Someone must yank him out of our White House, walk him to the front lawn, and hang his fat ass ...

Did You Vote for Trump? It’s All Your Fault

13 disastrous days. In 2017 Trump began his illegitimate presidency by destroying or attempting to destroy the many accomplishments of Barack Obama. The orange liar, the con man, is not a “doer,” someone who accomplishes anything. Trump is an old, obese Nazi with a brain the size of a fruit fly, without a heart or a soul. His goal is to destroy America from within. Over the last 13 days, he revoked hundreds of positive actions by a real President, Joe Biden. If you think that Trump gives a damn about anyone, any man, woman, or child in America, you literally must have your head examined. Trump accomplishes nothing of importance. He prefers to undo the successes of his predecessors who did care about our nation’s people. Trump doesn’t have the slightest idea what a positive accomplishment might look like. He is THE DESTROYER. Trump lives in the past. When he was a child in the 1950’s and 1960’s, his father, Fred Trump, taught him to be a racist and a bigot, and a womanizer. He also lear...

Do It Now! Stand up and Tell Trump to “Go Back to Hell”

The Second Civil War began in 2017. However, a second illegitimate Trump presidency will undoubtedly result in a bloody Second Civil War. The only question of importance is “will our military stand with our nation’s people or the current fascist government?” It is an undeniable reality that military institutions are a fascist cult. They could not survive in a free-thinking society. Since 2015, I have been waiting to see if someone or some group with power would stand up to the Nazi pretending to be an American. I have given Trump many labels, including “Trumpenstein,” and “the orange buffoon.” However, in 2025 I find only three apply to Trump and his efforts to destroy my country: the “Antichrist,” the “Great Pretender,” and “The Destroyer.” Members of his cult who once worshipped Jesus Christ now offer their fealty to a godless and hate-filled old, white man. The very definition of “Antichrist” clearly describes the old and vengeful fool defiling our White House. While pretending to b...

America is Burning and the World is Laughing

The unthinkable happened. The United States of America elected a Nazi to run and ruin their nation.   This is what the world is saying, and why they are laughing at the stupidest people in the free world. We could have remained neutral in WWI I and simply allow Hitler to conquer the world, sharing it with the Emperor of Japan. That would have saved more than 400,000 lives and hundreds of billions of dollars each year between 1941-1945 .   However, the American government is the worst and most incompetent in the world.   T he citizens of most nations are far more informed than our country’s people. They are undoubted ly convinced that for the second time in our n ation’s history, Vladimir Putin decided the outcome of America’s future.   If a t any time in my 78 years someone had told me that any free and developed nation had elected a leader that was nearing 80 years of age, w as a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator whose closest “friend” for 10 ye...

In Just Three Days Trump Caused More Harm than All Other Presidents Combined and Continues to Shit on the Constitution

It’s “déjà vu all over again.” What Trump has done to our nation in just three days is far worse than his initial actions in 2017. He has undone many of the positive accomplishments of real presidents Obama and Biden. All of his actions support the current plutocracy and his 756 oligarchs. There is no doubt that his decision to pardon the traitors who violently stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021 is an act of pure fascism and revenge. Trump is not concerned about the brave capitol police who lost their lives or the more than 150 who were injured. These Neo-Nazis were tried for their crimes in a court of law and deserved to be punished more severely than they were. Treason is the most egregious crime possible in America. He is not interested in the fact that trying these men and women who hate my America cost taxpayers millions of dollars and law enforcement thousands of hours. More than 1500 anti-Americans who sought to overthrow our democratic government are back among those of us ...

Traitors Among Us Are Leading Us to Hell

I have feelings of overwhelming sadness today. I woke up this morning thinking about my life and how it was so very different from the obese old Nazi is now pretending to be your president. Trump was born on June 15, 1946. The day I came into this world was just three weeks later on July 7, 1946. Our paths never crossed. Trump’s path led him into the depths of everything which is wrong with the world today. He was born into a world of wealth and extreme white privilege and taught to hate anyone who was not like him. Money was his family’s god and achieving greater wealth was the family’s only goal. My family was probably considered poor when I was born in Lewiston, Idaho. However, my mother’s family was very warm and loving. The Catholic Church was at the center of their lives, and they lived according to those deep beliefs in what they were taught, a high moral standard, unbreakable principles, and respect for others,  The word “hate” was not in their vocabulary. Now that both of ...