21 Days from Today, January 20, 2025, America Will Experience Another Dark Day

21 days from today, America will experience another first. An old, obese, mentally unstable, white man who is not a patriotic American, but is a convicted felon, and a confirmed sexual predator, who committed treason and violated the Espionage Act will become our nation’s 47 th president. I am not a proud American today, and I will be ashamed on January 20, 2025. What I will remember most about this unbelievable situation is how our nation lost its most important branch of government on October 27, 2020, when the last of three politically biased Supreme Court Justices was sworn in. I will remember how another traitor to the Constitution, Moscow Mitch McConnell, broke his own rule and stacked the Court in favor of right-wing extremism. Among this Court’s ethical violations was declaring that a president was above the law and immune from prosecution, regardless of the severity of his or her crimes. America is now a nation without laws for every citizen. The term “two Americas” has a...