It’s About Time: The Truth Exposing the Demise of the Fourth Estate is no Longer a Secret

The beginning of the end happened on October 7, 1996. This is the day “fake news” began. The creation of billionaire Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes began broadcasting on this sad day in American history. They called it “FOX News,” although its real business was not informing the public about the facts. The events happening around the world were of no interest to these two con men. Their philosophy was based on money: “sensationalism increases viewership, and increasing the number of viewers increases advertising revenue.” The truth and facts were far down their list of priorities, or not at all. FOX quickly morphed into the right-wing propaganda machine it is today. It continues to support white supremacy, and the division of 340 million American people. In just months, FOX became the number one television “news” network. This translated into lower ratings for all legitimate news services: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and all the others. Billionaires are involved in all television and print new...