
Showing posts with the label Plutocrat

No Official Position, no Security Clearance, Musk Should be in a Federal Holding Cell

  Allowing Trump’s co-conspirator’s access to anything happening in the West Wing is a violation of so many laws I lost count. Most importantly, his interference in our government is a violation of the Constitution. The fact that Musk is or will be in possession of classified material is a violation of the Espionage Act. Musk is violating every law which involves private and personal information. He has no legal access to anything involving our government, and most importantly the citizens of our nation. Trump cannot legally grant Musk access to information which is not public knowledge, and for which he has not received a security clearance. This failed car manufacturer is a Nazi who has invaded our nation’s most guarded secrets. Trump’s second illegitimate presidency is a travesty of justice and a violation of the Law of the Land. The Nazi leader is a clear and present danger to the future of our nation. He is THE domestic enemy. His alliance with our country’s 756 oligarchs will...