
Showing posts with the label American Airlines

64 Innocent Lives Lost: We Can Expect Another Government Cover-Up

The military of the United States of America is justifiably described as the “largest and most expensive in the world.” After reading and writing about the Pentagon for more than 10 years, I have one word to describe our nation’s military leaders: “incompetent.” First, the cost. Multiple watchdog groups claim that 50 cents out of every dollar allotted to the Pentagon is wasted. After what I have learned, they are correct. It may be more than 50 cents since Afghanistan and Iraq. Most importantly, the most powerful military force in the world has lost every war since WWII. Thousands of lives and trillions of dollars have been lost; all for nothing. On Wednesday a preventable tragedy happened in the skies above Washington D.C. An American Airlines passenger aircraft collided with a military Blackhawk helicopter, killing 64 in the airliner, and three crewmen aboard the Blackhawk. Regardless of the explanations yet to come, what the hell was a military aircraft doing in the path of a schedu...