
Showing posts with the label Homophobe

Did You Vote for Trump? It’s All Your Fault

13 disastrous days. In 2017 Trump began his illegitimate presidency by destroying or attempting to destroy the many accomplishments of Barack Obama. The orange liar, the con man, is not a “doer,” someone who accomplishes anything. Trump is an old, obese Nazi with a brain the size of a fruit fly, without a heart or a soul. His goal is to destroy America from within. Over the last 13 days, he revoked hundreds of positive actions by a real President, Joe Biden. If you think that Trump gives a damn about anyone, any man, woman, or child in America, you literally must have your head examined. Trump accomplishes nothing of importance. He prefers to undo the successes of his predecessors who did care about our nation’s people. Trump doesn’t have the slightest idea what a positive accomplishment might look like. He is THE DESTROYER. Trump lives in the past. When he was a child in the 1950’s and 1960’s, his father, Fred Trump, taught him to be a racist and a bigot, and a womanizer. He also lear...