
Showing posts with the label Kavanaugh

One More Reason Brett Kavanaugh Should Never Have Been Confirmed for a Seat on the Supreme Court

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart When I discuss the reasons Brett Kavanaugh is unfit to have a seat on the United States Supreme Court, three other names come to mind: Christine Blasey Ford, Anita Hill, and Clarence Thomas. I remember the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas in 1991. Both his hearings and his confirmation remain controversial. I continue to look at the events of that year as a demonstration of how sexist old, white men were then, and how many of them remain prejudiced against women today. Some remain in the Senate, and the Chairman of those hearings is our nation’s current president. Thomas’ only serious obstacle was an allegation of sexual misconduct from a former aide, Anita Hill. I considered Ms. Hill a credible witness. Her recounting of the details were believable, and contained information only she and Thomas would have known. However, Thomas was confirmed by nearly every man in the Senate. Today, he is known as the most corrupt and prejudicial justice on what has be