Trump Will Celebrate Many ‘Firsts’

Trump has the right to celebrate several ‘firsts;’ firsts I am sure will never be repeated. Trump is the oldest man ever to be elected to the presidency. The truth is that during the 2024 campaign he displayed the fact that he is too old and mentally unfit for the office. Few Americans are informed citizens. One thing every American should be aware of is that the average age of all 330+ million Americans is 38.2 years of age. Anyone who is under the age of 55, and voted for Trump made a choice to be without representation in Washington. Trump is the first convicted felon to hold the title of President of the United States. He is awaiting sentencing on 34 felony counts. In 2023/2024, the orange con man was charged with 99 felony indictments, including insurrection and theft of government secrets in violation of the Espionage Act. Trump is the first president to lose a defamation of character case, which revealed the fact that he is a confirmed sexual predator. It was recently revealed t...