This is not My Country, Apparently This is the One You Chose

i If you’ve listened to one Trump speech, you’ve heard them all. Regardless of how they begin, they will always include fear, anger, hatred, and a suggestion of violence in his name. Unable to accept the slightest criticism, Trump is a vengeful man who is incapable of compassion for his fellow man. He has a mental defect known as “malignant narcissism,” and this prevents him from possessing normal human attributes. After Trump was gifted the presidency by the Electoral College in 2016, with the assistance of Vladimir Putin, James Comey, and the mainstream media, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported an 800 percent increase in hate crime. Between 2017 and 2021, every time Trump opened his pie hole, he offered his supporters the beliefs of men and women involved in the Neo-Nazi movement across America. Unless you were visiting another planet between 2015 and today, you are aware that his idols are Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin. Read this definition, and tell me you can find one part...