Antichrist has no Soul

In America, a president’s primary function is to improve the lives of all of his or her nation’s people, and guarantee their safety and security. Trump is not an American president. During the last five days the Antichrist has destroyed all of the good accomplished by President Biden over the last four years. His choices to be his closest advisers are a gang of unqualified billionaires, criminals, alcoholics, sexual predators, and Neo-Nazi supporters. Not a single man or woman in the Trump administration will be qualified to hold the position and the department they will be leading, including Trump. The White House will be staffed with clowns and pretenders. We were fully aware that the Antichrist had no heart, and with his most recent actions, we know he has no soul. He has become “Trump the Destroyer.” Every action he claims as an accomplishment is in reality harmful to our nation’s people and the future of our country. By biblical definition, Donald John Trump is the Antichrist. Man...