What the Hell Really Happened on November 5th?

After what I believe was a very controversial election, polls reveal that the majority of voters support a progressive agenda, not the regressive policies of the fascist Trump party. I ask all of you: if you follow American politics regularly, not with my obsession, does it make sense after watching the results of the 2016, 2020, and 2024 election that Trump could have won all seven swing states and the popular vote on November 5 th ? Common sense tells me that Trump’s failures over the last nine years would have lost him votes, not increased his reported numbers. Add to this the fact that he will soon be an octogenarian, and one and one does not make two. Fact: exit polls revealed a severe dislike for the orange buffoon, and the number of questions have grown about the legitimacy of the 2024 election. If we include Putin’s efforts combined with those of Elon Musk, and the possibility of the best hackers in the world becoming part of the equation, the American people deserve answers. E...