Celebrities Have a Huge Reason to Involve Themselves in our Elections: Trump has an Entire Propaganda Machine on Television

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Late night talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel, spent 19 minutes offering factual information to Trump supporters. He offered multiple reasons why they cannot trust the very old, very obese buffoon. Unfortunately for the popular host, Trump supporters choose to be ignorant and reject facts. A true Trump supporter spends hours each day watching the right-wing propaganda machine, calling itself “Fox News.” It has never been about the news and definitely not about facts. A loyal Trump supporter will never read or watch any information source which refuses to praise the con man. When confronted with the truth, their response is universal: “I don’t believe that.” The truth frightens them. If Trump can use a 24-hour television network to support his lies, Jimmy Kimmel and other talk show hosts are justified in finding ways to make their viewers laugh about Trump’s moronic and fallacious words and actions. Trump would like everything his way. However, this is a fantasy. Trump...